528.Brain Versus Brawn {2}

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Bambam was dumbstruck. He immediately recalled the earlier matter. “Previously, a woman came by the Yu Ting Villa to look for Lisa. I heard that Boss had personally carried her to the Yu Ting Villa. Could this be her?”

His expression immediately turned pitiful. “Why does the woman I like belong to Boss? Even if you give me all the courage in the world, I wouldn’t dare to have ideas about her!”

“It wasn’t easy for me to find a gorgeous woman to my liking, yet it turns out that she belongs to CEO Jeon!” Baekhyun also grabbed his own hair in frustration. “Could it be that doctors are doomed to struggle on the path of love?”

Butler Zhao’s expression was stern as he lectured them. “The two of you better begin thinking about how to hold onto your lives.”

Bambam was astonished. “Butler Zhao, Brother Zhao, does Boss care that much for this woman?”

“You were even willing to take your own life for her. What do you think?”

“This…” Bambam glanced at the beautiful lady who was slightly angered. “Um… the earlier matter was but a misunderstanding. I pursued the wrong person. Please don’t tell Boss. I’m still young and lacking in achievements. It’s too much of a waste for me to die right now.”

“Same here…” Baekhyun grinned toothily. “Beautiful lady, no amount of courage would be sufficient to convince me to hit on CEO Jeon's woman. This isn’t just a matter of losing my job. CEO Jeon's methods… My family still requires an heir in the future.”

Butler Zhao wanted to speak up, however, Lisa shot him a look and indicated for him not to be a busybody.

Butler Zhao understood and immediately fell silent. He watched as the two men made fools of themselves more and more.

The more Bambam took her in, the more gorgeous he found her to be. He immediately praised her generously. “Boss’s taste has finally returned to normal. I already said that with Lisa’s ugly appearance, it would be a problem even if she were only Boss’s maid…”

“Bambam!” Butler Zhao truly could not stay silent any longer. He immediately shot him a look.

Was it really okay to insult someone right on their face that they didn’t even have the ability to be a maid?

Lisa’s gorgeous features became increasingly dark.

Unfortunately, Bambam failed to consider that the stunning beauty before him could be Lisa. He also did not notice her stormy expression.

In fact, he grew even more enthused. “I know it’s wrong to talk bad about someone behind their back. However, us brothers have always been unhappy with Lisa. What kind of person is our boss? He is as noble as a god. It is only right that he is paired with this goddess standing before me. Boss must have been blind to be taken with Lisa previously.”

He then shot Zhao Cheng and Baekhyun a look. “The two of you won’t betray me and run off to Lisa to tell her what I said, will you?”

Baekhyun was more careful. “Brother Bam, I feel that Boss and Lisa are quite compatible.”

This way, won’t the gorgeous lady before him be left unattached?

He was not afraid of speaking against his conscience for the sake of his future.

Butler Zhao sighed helplessly. “Doctor Byun is smarter.”

He directed his stony look at Bambam as though he was doomed to remain a fool for the rest of his life. He truly wanted to gift the word ‘stupid’ to Bambam! “It seems like the three days of training that Boss assigned to you was too light. You forgot about it so quickly.”

“Hey, Old Zhao, I nearly lost my life in those three days. They were not light at all.” Bambam began trembling at the thought of it.

He swallowed heavily and shot Lisa a look. “Beautiful lady, you won’t talk bad about me in front of Boss, will you? I’ve been praising you this whole time. My personality tends to be more direct.”

He then nodded to himself. “I always said that Boss would be enlightened one day.”

He took in Lisa’s stunning gaze. It was as though a spotlight was permanently directed at her. She was flawlessly beautiful. “I knew that Boss would eventually abandon Lisa, and that his tastes would eventually return to normal. I never expected that day to come so quickly, though.”

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