519.Tzuyu And Sehun's Meeting {2}

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Lisa thought about it and shook her head. “There’s no need. Tzuyu is trustworthy. I previously brought up your matter with her and she was rather sympathetic about your situation.”

Sehun’s expression changed slightly. “I don’t need her sympathy!”

“It’s not exactly sympathy. Her heart just aches for the grievance you have suffered…”

“She’s just a stranger. I don’t need her heartache!” Sehun’s expression was slightly stiff.

“Brother…” She saw that his complexion was poor.

She continued gently. “If you don’t like me telling Tzuyu about your matter, I won’t do it again in the future.”

Sehun took in his third sister’s careful expression and suddenly felt a hint of heartache. He sighed. “I’m sorry, Lisa. I’m in the wrong.”

“Why are you apologising for no reason?” She frowned.

“You’ve always been someone who understands what should be said and what shouldn’t.” Sehun responded in heartache. “It doesn’t matter if you wish to tell her about me.”

Besides, the entire country knew about him being imprisoned. It did not matter if one Tzuyu knew about it.

Lisa could tell that her elder brother was in a bad mood. She decided not to say anything more.

Sehun gaze lingered on Lisa. It was as though he was trying to carve her image into his heart.

Right now, it wasn’t suitable for him to meet outsiders. If it was revealed that he wasn’t actually ill, his temporary release would be rescinded.

Of course, the bodyguards outside the hospital room were the people Jungkook trusted. They would not cause trouble.

He deliberated for a moment and decided to make his move first.

A few minutes later, Tzuyu’s voice could be heard from outside the hospital room. The bodyguards were preventing her from entering.

Lisa opened the room door and said, “She’s my friend. Let her in.”

The bodyguard spoke to Tzuyu. “My apologies, Miss. We weren’t intentionally trying to keep you out. We were only trying to fulfil our duties.”

Tzuyu pushed her thick-framed black glasses up. “It’s alright. It’s good that you are so firm on this.” She added. “Remember, don’t ever let Lee Lilan, Lee Eunha and Shuhai Bruschweiler, the three trouble makers, in here.”

“Please don’t worry. The people who are not Miss Lee Lalisa’s guests will never be able to disturb Mr. Bruschweiler,” The bodyguard responded.

“That’s good.” Tzuyu stepped into the room with a basket of fresh, pink carnations. She approached the bedside to look at Marco. “Is Uncle better?”

“He is the same as ever.” Lisa’s smile turned slightly bitter. “The doctor said that my father will forever remain in a coma.”

Tzuyu sighed and patted her on the shoulder. She then scanned the hospital room and saw that there was no one else here. “Didn’t you say that your elder brother was here? Where is he?”

“He left to take care of some matters.”

“Oh.” Tzuyu responded. “You previously mentioned that your brother is very good looking. I was looking forward to seeing him.”

“There’ll be future opportunities.” Lisa received the basket of flowers from her. “It’s good enough that you came. Why did you spend money on this?”

“I wanted to buy something delicious for my uncle.” Tzuyu shrugged. “But right now… I could only buy him flowers. I hope he will get well soon.”

The two of them chatted for a while. Lisa instructed the caretakers to take good care of her father before she left with Tzuyu.

At the carpark, Sehun stood behind a corner with a baseball cap on. He watched the two girls walking side by side.

His gaze never once landed on Tzuyu. Instead, it was fixed on Lisa.

Lisa could sense someone watching her. She turned around but did not find anyone staring at her.

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