567.Lisa On Stage

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He stayed cooperatively on stage and did not move.

Eunha noticed that the audience appeared confused. She smiled beautifully and spoke in a cheerful tone. “It’s like this. Our host, Mo Shanshan, is feeling unwell and requested for me to take over her role. Hello everybody, I am a year 2 student from Jing Hua University. My name is Lee Eunha.”

The audience, even Head Ma Yongting, felt that something was amiss.

However, no one could pinpoint exactly what was wrong.

Ma Yongting, who had been watching the event progression attentively, searched for Mo Shanshan backstage. However, he could not find her.

It was inappropriate for him to force Eunha off the stage right now.

He recalled that Eunha had hosted many of Jing Hua University’s previous events. Those events were always well-received. Thus, he decided to let her be for the time being.

“Haha…” Eunha smiled beautifully.

As her make-up today was especially charming, she appeared stunning beneath the spotlight. “I’m sure everyone must have heard about me recently. Indeed, I am our country idol’s Jeon Jungkook’s fiancée’s sister.”

The audience began to whisper among themselves. However, no one left their seats.

Eunha’s smile was unfazed. “Although tonight’s focus is for our youth and elderly to share the stage together, it is inevitable that such an event is slightly dull. My third sister and I have prepared a ‘surprise’ for everyone. Could I invite the lights to focus on Lisa, who is seated on the second floor? Let’s give a warm welcome to Lee Lalisa and invite her on-stage!”

In an instant, amidst the audience seats, a bright spotlight focused on Lisa’s seat. She became the centre of everyone’s attention.

“Lisa, what is your second sister up to this time?” Tzuyu asked in concern.

She knew very well that Lisa destested Eunha. There was no way the two had worked together to prepare a surprise.

Even Jungkook frowned. He lowered his voice to say. “I’ll take you to leave.”

“Since my second sister has such good intentions, how could I possibly leave so abruptly?” Lisa smiled.

The spotlight followed her as she made her way down the stairs. She stepped onto the stage with a powerful presence.

A rare hint of worry flashed past Jungkook’s cold and heavy gaze.

On-stage, Lisa glanced indifferently at Eunha. Her second sister was truly stubborn. She insisted on following the trajectory of their previous lifetime.

Despite the fact that Eunha was no longer the emcee, she still invited her on-stage the way she did in their previous life. It was a pity that Lisa would not allow herself to be humiliated again.

Eunha took in the little white dress Lisa was wearing. It cinched at the waist with a gold belt and accentuated her slender waist. Her arms and legs also appeared especially fair and thin. With a set of gold high heels, her figure could only be described as perfect!

“Although Lisa’s face is a little ugly, her figure isn’t bad…” Many in the audience were discussing among themselves.

Eunha had assumed Lisa would be dressed sloppily and had wanted the audience to see that even her clothes were disgraceful. She did not expect Lisa to be dressed so suitably for the stage.

Although Eunha was disappointed, she did not show it in her expressions.

She continued speaking into the microphone. “Earlier, Senior Zheng Jun performed an exciting show of Sichuan’s facial transformation. What most of our audience may not know is that my third sister is actually quite talented in this skill as well.”

“That can’t be. Lisa actually knows how to perform facial transformation?” Someone asked loudly from the audience’s seat.

Eunha took in everyone’s confused expression. She smiled and explained. “Think about it. My third sister went from being over 90 kilograms heavy to 54 kilograms. Isn’t that a great transformation? Her skin is either covered in countless tiny pimples, or in a thick layer of medicine.”

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