578.Horror Show

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All of a sudden, several people sitting in the first row pointed at Eunha’s face and shrieked. “Quickly look, is that a crack on Eunha’s face?”

“Eunha’s face is so frightening!”

As their voices grew louder, everyone’s attention shifted onto Eunha.

It was as though this was a scene taken right out of a horror movie. A mark akin to a spider web had appeared on her face. In the next moment, the faint lines split open into cracks. Her face was even more frightening than that of a ghost’s!

Everyone was terrified by just looking at her.

Eunha’s face had turned numb and she barely felt anything. She noticed everyone’s frightened gaze and caught the noise of her flesh cracking open…

She touched her own face and immediately felt the uneven gaps appearing there. She was instantly frightened into screaming. “Ah!”

Lisa saw clearly that karma had found its way into Eunha’s hands. She was permanently disfigured!

However, she did not expect to have thousands of audience members witness this moment!

Eunha could no longer remain on stage. She ran backstage and quickly escaped everyone’s eyes.

Lisa lifted the microphone and spoke through it to calm the audience. “Earlier, I performed an act of facial transformation. Lee Eunha also wished to give everyone a surprise and joined in. Now that the performance has ended, she has left the stage. From everyone’s expressions, it seemed like you were more frightened than pleasantly surprised.”

Her humour stirred the audience’s laughter and explained the reason why Eunha’s face suddenly appeared so frightening.

Eunha had become disfigured because Lisa used her own tactics against her. As this issue was caused by Lisa, it was best to keep a low profile.

Next, Jungkook and Lisa both gave a short speech before they quickly left the stage.

An elderly lady from Yuhua district’s dance team took over as the female host. She joined Shen Jie to continue hosting the event.

In a luxury Rolls-Royce outside the Great Hall, Jungkook embraced Lisa. He gently kissed her neck and looked at her with love.

From the front seat, Bambam handed a sealed document envelope to Lisa. “You previously conducted several DNA tests at Jia Ya Hospital. The results came out today. Boss instructed me to collect it on your behalf.”

Lisa received the document and tore open the envelope to read the results.

She finally understood the relationship of every member in the Fang family.

Eunha did not share any blood relations with her father, Marco brushwork. She was the blood daughter of Lilan and Shuhai.

As for Marco and herself, they were both indeed father and daughter.

The most amusing matter was that despite Shuhai’s claims of being their uncle, he had no blood relations with Marco. He was an actual outsider!

As for Lilan and herself, they were not mother and daughter, but they were still related by blood. The DNA results hypothesised that Lilan was likely her mother’s twin sister.

Lisa deliberated over this. Before she turned eleven, it seemed like her mother did bring up having a twin sister a few times. If she recalled correctly, this twin sister was named Lee Liyin.

Based on blood relations, Lee Liyin would be her aunt. She had once asked why her aunt was never around.

However, the mention of her twin sister always left her mother in tears. She only said that Liyin was no longer alive and had requested her not to ask anymore questions.

Afterwards, she refused to give up and went to ask her father for more information.

At the time, her father had said that Lee Liyin had eloped with a man when she was fifteen.

Several years after the incident, she wrote a letter to her family and said that she was living poorly outside. The Lee family then learned that Lee Liyin had passed away due to an accident on a boat.

Lisa’s grandparents had very poor health. Their young daughter had passed away at a young age and they were unable to even bring her remains home. This had left them depressed.

As they did not wish for her mother to be upset, and because this matter was of the past, no one ever mentioned Lee Liyin’s matter at the Lee home.

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