Chapter 14: New Kids in Town

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Clark was back home and life was good, again, or as good as it was going to get. So far, he agreed to remain home while we kept an eye on him from the rage episodes he has been getting.

So far, those episodes have not occurred but I could tell he was worried. My arm, at this point, was fully healed and was back in business.

I was in my French class, waiting for Mr. Hugo Causse to arrive and he was running a bit late. He was also just as popular as Clark was here, as he was quite young and in his early twenties and some of the girls here practically drooled over him.

The best way to describe him was that he had blue eyes, dark hair, olive-toned skin, much like mines, and was tall and thin. And, he was a Paris native, which added to the appeal.

Mr. Causse walked in with another kid who appeared to be around my age. He had that air of superiority like he thought too highly of himself. Like he felt he was better than everyone, and the smirk kind of confirmed it. In other words, he was cocky and arrogant – two traits I hated in a person.

"Bonjour, everyone. Sorry for being late but we have a new student joining our class. Please, welcome Christopher Zod."

Why did the name Zod sound so familiar? I remember, years ago, Clark had been speaking to mom and dad and he had mentioned the name, Zod. I also remember Clark not sounding all that happy when mentioning that name. The moment I walked into the room, everyone shut up and I was left wondering what the conversation was about, which they refused to answer. I simply let it go because I was even more of a kid then, and any grown-up talk would not be discussed with me, ever.

Heck, that was still the case and soon I would be eighteen.

Everyone greeted the new kid in town, who was speaking like he was very sure of himself and like nothing could ever knock him down.

"You can have a seat next to Omar Kent" said Mr. Causse. "He is of Lebanese descent and speaks fluent French."

"Does he?" asked Christopher, who was looking at me with that trademark smirk I swear, I wanted to knock down with my fist.

"Oh yes, he is also fluent in Spanish, Arabic, and Turkish" Mr. Causse had to put out.

"Four languages, sounds like he could be an alien with an affinity for languages" he said in that arrogant tone of his.

I was seriously getting annoyed by him and I was super close to punching him if he did not stop putting me on blast.

"And it seems like you don't believe I can speak or write in all of these languages!" I said.

"Prove it!" he looked at me with that look on his face.

"How about, no!"

"Why, you worried someone will discover you are lying?"

And some of the students laughed.

"I don't need you to believe me!"

"Okay, I can see you both are getting on the wrong foot here" said Mr. Causse.

"Why don't you show him?!" Oliver stepped in.

"And who are you, his boyfriend?"

"Best friend and unless you don't want to meet the fat ass end of my fist, you better stop messing with him!"

"Oh, I see you actually have friends" said Christopher, in a mocking tone.

I swear, what was wrong with this guy?

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