Chapter 16: Brother's at Odds

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Clark's POV

Before arriving at the fortress, I flew Omar up higher where the air was thinner so he would calm down.

He was scared of heights, as it was, and now with his powers coming into play, he was even more scared because he did not want to have any powers. He wanted to be normal and now, it was starting to dawn on me, and realized, I never should have kept any of this a secret from him, because even I knew of the possibility.

I did not prepare him, at all, for what could come. And now he was dealing with the consequences of my actions, the actions I begged my parents to take because, in my mind, I thought I was protecting him.

Now, I was beginning to wonder if he was regretting having learned any of this, but if this would have started to happen with him being clueless, then things would have been far worse.

"Calm now?"

"Somewhat" he sighed, closing his eyes as the heights were scaring him.

I flew him to the fortress and looked for the key, which was huge and weighed a major ton that only I could pick it up. Well, me and my cousin Kara.

As I unburied it from the snow, I picked it up and placed it over the glyph that represented the House of El, the S-looking symbol I had on my suit.

The door opened and we both walked in. Entering, I saw the statues that held a sphere, which was my mom and dad, Lara Lor-Van, and Jor-El.

I placed the crystal into the machine and my dad's AI appeared before us.

"What brings you over, my son?"

"Omar has started to develop powers" I said, Omar trembling and I knew it was not because of the cold.

"What powers is he displaying?"

"Strength, imperviousness, and his enhanced hearing."

"Let me examine him" the blade appeared so I could take a small sample of Omar's blood.

"But what if I can't cut his skin?"

"Try it, because this was likely a small burst of power, which means he might not be at a mature level to fully develop them since his body is still in development from being a teenager."

"This is gonna pass, I promise" I assured him.

"I hate needles and I hate getting cut."

"I know" I rubbed his neck, the part that wasn't injured.

Then I looked over and his wound was somewhat healed. The two bite marks, puncture wounds, were there but they were not bleeding like they were. It was as if that small power burst somehow sped healed it a bit.


"Your wound is healing. Somewhat, since I think that power burst somehow sped your healing abilities."

"I rather have that wound if it means I won't have powers" he said, then handed me his index finger and I managed to puncture it, which made him flinch in pain.

"That hurt like a bitch!"

"What did I say about your language?"

"I can't help it! I'm going crazy just thinking that I could be turning into some kind of monster."

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