Chapter 25: Retribution

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            "Get the hell out of my house, before I vanquish your sorry ass!" I shouted.

"Your mom killed my mom and I am here to collect retribution for what she's done!"

"Your mom was about to kill my mom and she only defended herself!" I suddenly felt bad for having lied but if I said it was me, I had a feeling things were going to get even uglier. "So I will say this again and only once, get the hell lost because your parents decided to take my mom, Lois, and Lucy without any provocation, I am more than ever, determined to protect them! So back the hell away, now!"

"I don't listen to the likes of you. You're a weak loser and I will get what I came for!"

When I realized this guy was not about to back away, I knew I was going to do what I had to do.

"You want to see who between the two of us, is weak..." I sped and landed the nastiest punch, ever.

He fell hard and landed against the tractor, denting it pretty badly.

"Oh, you're going to pay for that!"

"Let's see which of us does the actual paying!"

We both clashed and knocked each other away. Then we started punching and shoving, though I was the one doing the majority of it because of how angry I was. I was beyond snippy, I was enraged.

My mom and Lucy were the audience of this fight club match. I could hear my mom yelling, pleading for us to stop. Only, I was not willing to and I did not have to ask if neither was, he.

It was at this point that I realized I had to put this guy down, and I was more than determined to do so.

He rushed and charged at me, sending me several feet away until I landed against the barn's door, breaking it. I got up almost just as quickly as he tossed me, and I realized I had a syringe in my pocket that contained the same liquid kryptonite that I had injected into him before. Only this time, it was a higher dose and one that would inflict an inhuman amount of pain on any Kryptonian.

The good thing was that it was encased in lead to keep the radiation out since it also affected me because of my Kryptonian physiology.

I sped at him and started punching him. He landed some punches at me and made me fall to the ground.

My mom kept begging him to stop.


"Keep screaming! You took my mom from me and I will kill you too, but I think it's best if I first kill your son so you can watch him die by my hand! Then, I will repay you in the same way!"

He grabbed me by the hair and felt his breath on the side of my left ear. I knew he was going to warn me.

"I am going to kill you! And soon, Yuda Kal will be resurrected and she will defeat and kill your brother!"

"That's what you think!" I spat blood on the ground.

I then grabbed the syringe and as I attempted to inject him with it, he stopped me.

"You think I did not see that one coming?!" he taunted.

"I did!" I head-butted him hard and stuck the syringe into his beck.

He started screaming in pain but I was not able to inject it just yet, as he was resisting me, so I kicked him hard in the jewels, and finally, I injected the kryptonite and he started feeling an inhuman amount of pain.

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