♕❝His gaze on me❞

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"The younger one was alone crying but

the older one was busy laughing with

her friends spitting some more lies to
defame her own sister.

I Woke up with a jolt and put a hand on

my chest to calm down my racing

heart. It was a dream. My breathing

was heavy and I felt kind of dizzy when

I heard the maid from yesterday walk

into my room.

Oh Maam you are awake. I was just
preparing your clothes. Iam extremely

sorry for waking you up-"

I held my hand up to stop her train-like


Ajumma, why are you apologizing? |

woke up on my own. And don't call me

ma'am. It's actually Eunji. " I gave her a

warm smile.

My brain recalled all the memories of

yesterday and I let out a sigh.

decided to go and shower first so my

day would officially start

went up to the lady and held her

hands in mine.

Please don't overwork yourself. Did

you already make breakfast?"

" No I didn't yet-"

Good because I will. " I smiled while

she looked confused.

"Let me just shower real quick and I

will join you in the kitchen. "

I saw her smiling and I toOk that as a

Cue to hop into the shower.

I threw on a comfortable oversized

hoodie and sweatpants after

showering. My hair was still wet to i

didn't tie it up and it went down to my


I went to the kitchen and as expected

Ajumma was there

She didn't let me do all of the work but

at least I helped as much as I could.

It was a Sunday, meaning all my clients

didnt have work to send today and

with that I had taken a week off to

settle in the new house.

I heard someone walk in and I looked

up to see Jungkook in a sweatshirt

and pajamas with messy hair meaning

he just got out of bed. Ajumma

immediately greeted him to which he

coldly nodded to.

Such a rude ass!'

I thought of our interaction of

yesterday and decided it was best ifl

payed no attention to him today.

| carried on with my work and I could

feel his gaze upon me. I suddenly felt

self conscious and felt the urge to

straighten myself.

𝐌𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝✔Where stories live. Discover now