Chapter thirteen - Mission: Possible

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The storm last night only grew bigger during the night. It was a good thing that I stayed at Matthew's because my mother got called into work, again. She would never have let me stay home all by myself so I would probably have been sent off to my dad's. Diana & I actually ended up staying with him all weekend, spending time like we used to do when we were little.

"Ethan! Matthew! Come on! I'm going to be late!" Kate yells from downstairs.

"What about Diana?" Matthew complains "I don't even know where she is!"

"I'm already down here!" Diana sighs.

"Come on sleepyhead," I say and pull Matthew out of bed. He's wearing football shorts and a t-shirt, the same things he slept in.

Matthew doesn't get to drive as long as Diana's in the car so she drives us to school and parks just as the bell rings. We run faster than I ever thought was possible and make it to class just in time. Well, Diana and I do, Matthew on the other hand is supposed to be on the other side of the school. He got what he deserved seeing as we would've been here on time if it wasn't for him. Diana sits down behind me and the teacher immediately begins teaching. May is supposed to be her, but she is nowhere to be seen.

"Why isn't she here?" I whisper to Diana, not so discreetly, earning an angry 'hush' from the teacher.

"I don't know... Diana says and checks her phone. "She hasn't texted me anything about being sick."

"Where is she?" I say again, mostly to myself. I start scribbling down in my notebook what I want to say to her. I sigh heavily as it's not nearly as good as I want it to be, and rip the page off. After only a few minutes I have four paper-balls next to me and the words I'm an idiot on the page in front of me. That kind of sums it up, I think. I sigh and rip off that page as well before I crumble up the paper. Just as I toss it toward the paper-bin, guess who walks through the door, getting hit in the face by the words I'm an idiot.

"Who is that?" The teacher barks out at the class as May stands dumbfounded by the door, looking down at the paper ball. I bend down down my head as the teacher starts scanning the room for the guilty student. It doesn't take long before I feel her eyes lock on me and the four paper balls still lying on my desk. Shit. "Mr. Bennett!"

I look up with a guilty smile as the teacher calls my name.

"If you would've taken notes instead of crumbling them up then maybe you would've learned something today." She barks and May picks it up, completely focused on the ball.

"I'm sorry!" I say and try to keep from laughing as May looks up at me, the paper-ball laying in her hand. Diana can't help but burst out laughing and another couple of students join in, really ticking off the teacher. I think I even see a small smile in the corner of May's lips.

"The two of you, to the principal's office!" The teacher barks at us.

"What?! I didn't even do anything!" Diana exclaims. Whoops, the teacher's pet is really getting in trouble this time.

"Silence! I was really expecting more of you Miss Carter." The teacher says and we drag our feet towards the front of the classroom.

"I'm sorry," I say again as we pass May, still standing dumbfounded by the door.

"Open it!" Diana wheezes to May as I walk out of the classroom.

"What?" May asks confusedly and Diana stops in her tracks and repeats herself.

"Miss Carter, if you're not out this door in three seconds I'm calling your mother!"

"Iiip!" Diana yelps and practically runs into the hall before the door closes behind us. The sound echoes through the empty halls and we look at each other before we burst out laughing.

My Lovely Life - The Story of Ethan BennettWhere stories live. Discover now