Chapter eighteen - The Afterparty

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May stands back in the garden, looking at me, as we're seeing Hanneli and Evermore off on their honeymoon. All the Bennetts, Okoros, and Barnes, giving their goodbyes to the newlyweds. They are going away for a month, Haiti, I think. I'm not sure of all the details, but it was arranged by the University. A project involving a lot of students, where Hanneli will assist in giving out medicine and other nurse-related stuff, and Evermore will build houses and various shelters.

"Have fun, girls!" Mom calls as they step into the limo.

"We will, Mrs. Bennett," Evermore says politely with a big smile.

"Call me Joanna, please!" Mom calls out again, before stepping back from the big mass of family, surrounding the vehicle.

"Bye-bye Hanni!" The second smallest Barnes says and throws herself out of another Barnes' arms and hugs my sister who laughs and gets a longing look in her eyes. I know that look. She always used to look like that when she was babysitting Matt's little sister.

"Be careful!" Laura calls out, a bit more worriedly than I'd expect from her.

"Laura, we're practically going on a school trip." Hanneli laughs and gives the little girl back to her sibling.

"Come on everybody! All kids, back away from the car!" Evermore's mother calls out and ushers back all the children.

"I wanna go too!" One of the younger kids calls out as she starts crying as the limo drives off.

"Drive safe honey!" Evermore's dad calls as he tries to shush the girl, whom I assume is his daughter.

"Lucy, will you shut up?" The girl's sister groans, looking rather annoyed. "And dad, they're not the ones driving. If anyone's supposed to drive safe, it's the driver, who by the way can't hear you. She sighs."

"Morgan!" Her mother, Evermore's stepmother, yanks the arm of her shirt and pulls her away while lecturing her daughter in a hushed voice. Not that I am one to get bugged by small details, but Morgan is also the only one at the entire wedding who is wearing something black. I start walking off, as well as some of the other kids, but the rest stay put.

"Who's that?" Josh says as he approaches me from behind. We've barely talked to each other all evening, only a 'hello' when they arrived. Then I bolted as far away from my father as possible, and Claire has a pretty short leash on Josh during these kinds of events. My father as well, but that is mostly about his drinking and cheating and... You know... All that joyful stuff.

"Who was who?" I ask him as I look for May, who's completely evaporated.

"The cute one" He adds and takes a look behind him.

"Dude, just drop it. Whoever it is, she's your... Something in law." I sigh and playfully hit him on the head, which he drops accordingly.

"Whatever" He laughs. We walk over to Diana and Matthew who are in the tent, drunk and singing. All the other guests have moved inside the house, seeing as it took quite a while for the newlyweds to leave the premises. The sun's already gone down and so everyone got cold, except... ehm... the drunk kids in the tent.

"Ethan!" Diana literally screams as she sees me and stumbles towards me and Josh.

"Whoa there Diana" Josh laughs and holds her up as she stumbles around.

"Josh" She slurs "I can walk on my own"

"Cous, you can't even talk!" He says and tries to withhold from laughing, unsuccessfully if I might add.

"Can too!" She says and pushes him away, only to stand on her own for about a second before she falls straight down onto the ground. Of course, both Josh and I jump forward to catch her without any luck. Not that Diana seems to mind, she only laughs.

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