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GREYSON'S POV (i know it's ariana's turn)

Our plane touched down in Cabo at about 6pm, maybe a little earlier than that. Before we left the airport, I made sure to thank our pilot, since he was a good friend of Jonas's manager and came down on the fly, no questions asked.

We didn't spend much time at the airport, considering Nolan already arranged for a van from the resort to come get us, prior to Jack's request. The drive to the resort was about thirty minutes or so, where Paige and Ariana went in to get our rooms, Jack went to call Bella, Nolan helped Logan inside, and I was fishing our bags out of the trunk. I didn't realize we had brought so many until I had only grabbed two bags out, and there were still more.

"Need some help?" I heard, just as I was placing another bag on the ground. I looked up from where I was standing, seeing one of the sisters' leaning on the van. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I was coming down to get some more towels and I saw you guys," Gigi explained and I noticed her rambling as I smiled, stopping what I was doing.

"No worries, we were gonna run into each other at some point, right?" I chuckled, watching the woman laugh as well. "I know we've met on a few occasions, but never formally. Greyson," I said, giving her a small hug.

"Gigi." She answered as we both pulled away. "So, are you gonna accept my help or?" She asked, and I laughed once again.

"It's okay, I'm almost done. Thank you though, Gigi." I told her with a smirk, making sure to slip her name in, just to tease her.

"And what about that back of yours? All that heavy lifting isn't good." She added on, clearly wanting to continue our banter.

"Lift with your legs, not your back."

She smiled, rolling her eyes. "Huh, that's too bad, I give out some pretty great massages if you didn't know."

"Really?" I chuckled, locking eyes with the girl. "I guess I'll have to find out sometime."

She didn't laugh though, her eyes growing a bit darker than they were when I first saw them. "Room 536, babe,"

"Greyson, the rooms are ready, what is taking you so—" Jack stopped in her tracks, freezing when she saw me and Gigi turn our heads to her. "Hey, Gigi,"

"Jack, hi! Sorry, we were just talking." The woman smiled, giving my sister a wave. She turned back to me, whispering, "Come by at eight." She turned to Jack once again, "I actually have to run, but it was nice seeing you two!"

"Yeah sure, we'll see you later tonight."

"Wait, what?" The model and I said in unison.

"Bella arranged for us to eat dinner on the beach," Jack explained, watching us carefully. "So we'll see you guys at eight."

"Oh," was all I said, meaning my plans with Gigi were canceled. Her demeanor was very alluring, I liked how forward she was, there weren't many people like that and I admired it. I could tell she was slightly disappointed at Jack's words too, but she just walked away, making sure to wave "bye"
before she left.

Jack helped me with the rest of the bags as we unloaded them and slowly started to bring them in. "So, what did you think of her?"

"Gigi?" I asked, nonchalantly.

But of course, she was referring to her, but I couldn't make it seem like a big deal to Jack, or else she wouldn't let it go.


"Oh, she's cool, she was just offering to help with bags."

"Really, because it looked like more than that," Jack answered, seemingly unconvinced.

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