thirty two

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"She promised she was gonna let me help with it," Frankie sighed, rolling his eyes playfully while he examined my finger.

I looked at him weirdly, "You knew?"

"When we landed, she told us that she wanted to marry you, asked us how we felt about it, and yeah,"

"I can't believe you kept the secret for so long,"

"I know, but I also thought she was gonna propose a lot sooner and in front of everyone."

"It makes sense that she did it privately, just incase things didn't go the way she planned," I shrugged, going onto explain further, "I loved it though, because I thought maybe I was moving too fast, when we both secretly wanted to marry each other. And I loved how she just rambled during it, trying to put all of her feelings and goals into words as best as she could, it just made everything about it feel genuine. Like I wish I could go back and be in that moment again."

"Ariana, that's so cute," Frankie's smile widened, letting out an excited squeal, "I didn't know you were so in love with her, but I see why. And she has really good taste I see, I heard she picked out Logan's ring too."

"Yeah, in Chicago,"

"And where did you get your ring?"

"In Canada, I think." I paused, thinking for a moment, "I've had it for a little over a month now,"

"You know, I can't believe that you broke up with Matt like seven months ago and you're about to get married to someone you met right after." He pointed out, a smile spreading across his face. "I'm so happy for you, I was nervous that you were throwing something good away if you broke up with him but I'm glad you did. I love seeing you happy, Ariana, especially with her."

"Frankie..." I trailed off, smiling as we hugged each other tightly. "Thank you,"

He only chuckled, before moving onto something next. "Are you gonna tell Dad? Or even invite him?"

"I literally just got engaged."

"Well yeah, but surely you've been thinking about what you want your wedding to look like if you decided Greyson is marriage material."

"True, but if there's one thing I learned in working with Greyson, it's that it's better to deal with things in the order they come in, so first is probably picking a date and a venue, then once the time comes, we'll worry about who's invited."

"But you've thought about your Maid of Honor right?" He asked, while I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm kidding, we're focused on your proposal right it."

"Thank you Frankie," I smiled, a small laugh following after.

"Of course, so what do you need me to do?"


I smiled as soon as I saw my fiancée, standing in the kitchen, dancing and singing with a mug of egg nog in her hands. We didn't tell anyone about our engagement yet (except I told Frankie for obvious reasons), figuring we would on Christmas day, so my ring was sitting in my pocket instead of my finger. She didn't even notice me yet and neither did Izaak or Liam, who were dancing beside her.

"Hey baby," I said, coming her way. As soon as her eyes looked over and found me, her face lit up with a smile spreading across her lips as she held her arms out and I wrapped around her.

"There you are," She laughed, placing a kiss on my forehead. I was especially happy seeing her wear the Avengers sweater I had bought her back in November. I thought it was perfect when I saw it, but when I decided to wear it one night, it was itchy as fuck and I realized she never mentioned it to me, she just wore it anyway. "Are you coming with me and my dad? He has some last minute shopping to do."

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