twenty two

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Wednesday night the house was empty with the exception of Greyson, who was under the impression that everyone was out with errands to run when in reality, we were at her parent's house while they were out, to plan Greyson's birthday.

There was a decent amount of us, including Jack, Dylan, Jonas, Paige, Nolan, Izaak, Zeke, Safiya, Jordan, myself, Logan, Liam, Frankie, Bella, Gigi, Victoria, and Courtney.

"So, me and Lo figured out her birthday plans, we just need you guys to help carry it out," Jack said, standing up by the TV as Logan switched slides. They insisted that making a Google Slide was necessary. "We'll throw it at Logan and Liam's house since she won't expect it. My parents and I bought decorations yesterday, which we need to decorate, someone needs to get the cake, handle the guest list, and keep her busy and distracted on Friday until 10."

"J and I can handle cake duty," Izaak offered, to which Jordan agreed.

"Sure, just please don't fuck this up," Logan said, looking at the two with a serious look. I know last year, they dropped her cake in the driveway and Jack had to grab one last minute. Greyson told me she knew about it because she was literally pulling up as it happened, but she decided to drive around for a bit since she knew how much they'd been stressing over making the party perfect. Whenever the two younger sisters talked about the story, they'd always say "good thing Greyson was running late that day" although she never was. "Do you know how to get it?"

Jordan smiled confidently, while Izaak was equally as confident. "Same cake every year. Whipped cream, all chocolate, with Oreos instead of sprinkles."

Jack was still unconvinced though, and you could tell she was nervous to let the two. "Yes, it's very important that you get that exact cake. Our parents have bought it every single year for her on her birthday, you cannot fuck this up."

"The cake is the most important thing." Logan reiterated. "Other than following the theme."

"Wait, what is the theme?" Bella asked, which nobody knew the answer to, considering they forgot to tell us.

"No idea," Jack said, which I didn't understand since her and Logan planned this whole thing. But her eyes were looking at Dylan and Liam, who had their hand up in excitement as if they were on a rollercoaster, letting me know the theme was all their idea. "Slumber party! How fucking great is that?"

Jordan smirked, nudging Zeke. "Time to bust out the iCarly pajamas I got back in 2014."

"Slumber party?"

"I have the perfect ones!" Frankie whispered to me, as Courtney and Paige asked to see them. "It's a surprise."

Jonas shrugged, seemingly pleased with it. "I think she'd love it honestly, I'll help decorate."

"Yeah same," Nolan added, coming in after having just left for the bathroom. "I'll probably end up accidentally telling her if I don't," To which a few others laughed, while Bella, Victoria, Frankie, Dylan, and Paige also offered to help.

Jack looked down at her list, crossing things off and writing down names in subcategories, before looking up and at me. "Now that that's figured out, we need someone to do the guest list. I honestly think Ariana would be the best option. You know her well, so you'll know who to invite."

"I can have it done and send it over to you by tomorrow morning," I told her, hearing Zeke playfully mutter, "Show off," and I laughed.

"The guest list will be long as fuck and Ariana might forget someone dealing with so many names," Logan said, turning to Jack, to which her sister agreed before she looked over at her boyfriend. "Liam, you're close to her, help."

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