forty one

112 5 0


Sam reserved a Valentine's Day dinner for most of the cast at eight, meaning pretty much everyone was coming with dates. I was able to get here early since filming was light today, so it was around seven and I was sitting in my car outside of the restaurant.

I was nervous to see Ariana, we never properly spoke about Seattle, and we were pretty rocky at the moment, so hopefully tonight could fix things. We had only spoken once today, which was thirty minutes ago and she asked me what color was I wearing, meaning she did end up buying her ticket.

This was my first Valentine's Day in two years, so I made sure to get her, her favorite flowers as well as a bracelet, since I had already gotten her a ring and necklace.

Some of the crew started walking in early, so I didn't exactly start to get stressed until it was ten minutes before our reservation. But to my surprise, just as I got out of my car, five minutes before eight, I heard my name from by the entrance.

I looked up to see a few people at first, before I realized that one of those people was my fiancée, sporting a red, long yet elegant dress with a slit at the side to match. Her hair was resting down and there was never a time she didn't look amazing, but seeing her so dressed up made my heart jump.

I finally shut my mouth, reaching back in my car to grab the flowers, box, and the card, before making my way over to her.

"I'm sorry I came so late, I drove all the way—"
She started to say, but I cut her off.

"Ariana, you look amazing," I said, still in awe. I took a step back, just to take it all in, watching as her face lit up and her cheeks turned red. "Happy Valentine's Day, I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," and with that, I handed her it all, watching as her smile grew.

She gladly accepted it, before looking back up at me, "I love you, babe," Ariana smiled, before handing me a small box too, "Happy Valentine's Day, my love,"

I opened the box to find a necklace, in the shape of a spider, which opened up to a picture of me and Ari, taken after Logan's football game that night. I could see in the way that I looked at her in the picture, that she was more than just a friend to me, and maybe that's why I loved it so much.

"I thought the spider was fitting since you're Spiderman," She added, looking at me curiously for any sort of reaction.

"I love it," I chuckled, putting it over the necklace I have now, "And I know we have so much to talk about, but I wanna introduce you to everyone first,"

"Let's go," Ariana nodded, sticking her hand out for me to grab, which I did, just as the two of us stepped into the restaurant.

I spotted Sam immediately, but especially because he was standing up to greet some of our other cast mates. I escorted Ari over, initially running into Mike and Greta, whom I hugged, introducing them to Ariana.

"Ari, this is Mike, he plays Flash, and that's his girlfriend, Greta, she also acts," I explained, watching as the three exchanged greetings.

"I don't know how you deal with her," Mike teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

Greta hit him playfully before running to Ariana and I, "Sorry about him, but it was so nice to meet you Ariana, you look amazing tonight and it's always a pleasure Greyson,"

"So do you girl! It's really nice meeting you too, Greta," Ari smiled, giving her one last hug even though me and Mike were seated next to each other.

Sam came up to us next while Mike and Greta went over to say hi to some others who were just coming in.

R.E.MOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora