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"Ah, you seemed to be wondering about Evelyn?" Luna's soft voice interrupted their conversation.
"She's quite the catch isn't she" Luna slightly chuckled.
"I could introduce you to her if you like to" "But I've got to admit she's quite the challenge to talk to, you know as she doesn't talk"
"Why is that?" Ron asked curiously.
"Don't know, no one knows"
"I would appreciate the gesture, thank you Luna" the Potter boy smiled at the weird girl, he began to be fond of her, and the Ravenclaw girl simply nodded.


Evelyn's Pov:

We made our way onto the great hall, it looked beautiful as always, and everyone already was in their house robes. I parted away from Draco and the others and made my way toward my table, Ravenclaw, excited to see everybody. I silently sat down and began eating, toasted bread with butter, my favorite, I waved to some people who I hadn't seen.

"Hello Evelyn, quite nice seeing you again" Luna appeared and sat down in front of me. I took out my notepad and began writing " Hi Luna long time no see". Luna simply chuckled, and began to feast as well, diving into our overbreak stories.

"Hey Evelyn! Did you do anything fun over the break?" Across from my right, the voice of a familiar brunette perked my ears. I turned to look at him and notice it was my friend Lucas Darque who was in his sixth year. He was quite the character and very optimistic which drew me to befriend him.
"Not much, besides staying in the room contemplating life, what about you?" He chuckled. "Did you get anything special for your girlfriend's birthday?". He took a couple of seconds to read it before speaking.
"Well actually we broke up, she was so self-centered, that I decided it was best to you know to break up with her,and I think I made the right choice" assorted Lucas.
"Well I'm sorry, but best luck to you," I wrote, and once he finished reading I frowned at him and gave him a thumbs up, signing him everything will be okay.
"It's alright at least I get to focus on myself now go on keep on eating, don't want to waste your time talking to me" I nodded my head and smiled warmly at him and soon began eating once again and chatting with Luna. "Hey Evelyn, can I ask you something," Luna asked. "Sure,". "I was wondering if you don't mind me intro-" she was cut off by Dumbledore taking the stand. "Later?" I wrote and the dirty blonde hair girl nodded. "Oh pudding"


At night I stayed sitting in my bed, reading the daily prophet, my wand in hand, illuminating myself under the sheets. I read the things they were saying about Harry Potter and Dumbledore, I knew it was nonsense, I was there when I saw Harry come back and a lifeless Diggory in his arms as they drop down onto the ground. The scene was too harsh for me to bare, I was quite fond of Cedric, no one knew we would sneak out to Hogsmeade and have fun, it was a friendship I miss dearly, and won't be the same anymore. But I also knew the Harry Potter boy was not capable of doing such a thing. My mind went back to the incident earlier at the train station. The way his eyes were already staring at me, those bright blue eyes of his, I could get lost in them. I shook my head coming back to reality, I was still sitting in my bed. I looked to my right, Luna sleeping peacefully, her necklace in the palm of her hand.

She never goes to sleep without it, it was her mom's.

I got up from bed,  grabbed my notepad and pencil along with my wand, and made my way out of the common room onto the hallways of the castle. Now and then I liked to take a stroll in the empty hallways by myself, I liked the silence but most of all I loved to relive the happy memories within these hallways.


Harry bolted up awake, sweat dripping down his neck, his teeth chattering. He couldn't sleep he had nightmares of Voldemort, it's as if he was there in Voldemort's own eyes. He panted hard, he looked towards his friend Ron's bed and he was sitting up in his bed looking at his sweating friend.
"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
"Umm yeah just a nightmare"
"You sure, it seems to me it's more than a nightmare," he said as he was about to stand Harry spoke.
"I'm going to go for a walk, alone, I'm fine Ron," he said as he stood up, grabbed his wand and glasses, and made his way outside the common room.

He walked along the empty Hogwarts hallways, still sweating, but gaining more consciousness of his surrounding. Without looking where he was walking he bump-into a smaller fragile black figure, the figure of another person, more of a girl, he looked down at the person coming in contact with those same dark brown eyes.

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