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Over the school break, about thirty letters were sent back and forth between the teens and counting. Hermione and Evelyn chatted about their books as they had promised each other. Hermione rant on about how her parents were trying to convince her to date a muggle boy, the only thing she didn't like was that he was slower than a turtle. As for Evelyn, all she wrote about was how she most of her time showing sign language to Sirius. She couldn't remember how many times she had to walk out of a room.

She also explained how her vision began to get out of spiral control, and for the worse she went to an eye doctor and was forced to wear glasses. Making her look more nerdier than she already was.

On the other hand, Harry couldn't help but nag about the Dursleys, he explained how Dudley fitted more donuts into his mouth than he could talk. The Weasleys had spent their time in America, someplace called Arizona, to visit a family member. He talked about how Fred and George spent all their break trying to speak in an American accent, Ginny complained all the time about the heat. He swore, that she almost passed out the minute they landed there.


Evelyn and Sirius stood around the racks of clothing, she was amazed at how many different types of clothes were there in the muggle world. Hermione had recommended Sirius take Evelyn to a place so-called shopping mall.
They thought it was a good idea, but didn't think that it was going to be a huge building with inside stores with even more mini stores on the inside. Tho both didn't utter a word, for once they felt normal, perhaps Hermione was right after all.

"Wait just one more, and we'll be out" she signed, she held a pair of clothing in front of her normal clothing.
"What do you think?" She signed.
"Come on dear, you already have four different pairs of clothing, I would've thought by now it's already too much" Sirius held onto multiple bags in his hands. He sighed at the young girl annoyed but a small part of him wishing it could always be like this.

The girl turned to look at him, she rolled her eyes putting back the pair of clothing back on the rack. She turned to look at her uncle but something behind him caught her attention. It was a man's figure, and there Albus Dumbledore stood behind him. The girl stood frozen staring at her headmaster. Sirius took notice and turned around.
"Albus" he began.
"What a delightful sight to see you Sirius, you look quite good"
Albus walked closer.
"It indeed it is, isn't Sirius. Hello Evelyn, a pleasure to meet you" he smiled at the Ravenclaw girl. She nodded. "Have I arrived at a bad time?"
"No, not at all, why the sudden appearance, is everything okay back at Hogwarts?"
" Yes everything is perfectly fine, actually the reason I'm here is for her" he pointed at the girl. Evelyn and Sirius gave the headmaster an odd look.

"For what reason if you don't mind me asking?"
"I would like to take her somewhere to meet a dear old colleague of mine, if that's okay with her" The two adults looked at the girl for an answer. She stared at them, she looked at Sirius wondering if it was okay, and he gave her a slight nod. She then looked at Albus and gave him a slight nod. She walked over to where the headmaster stood, giving her uncle one last look.
"I promise I'll take good care of her, her stuff will be delivered at the Weasley's house" he explained.
"I'll see you then," Sirius winked at her.


"I reckon that most people have told you that you look exactly like your mother. She was an excellent student, cunning as ever, she never took no for an answer and most of all she was special indeed, just like you" Albus chuckled staring at the young girl. They walked the busy streets of London down some stairs.
The girl kindly smiled at him, the thought of her mother at a young age giving her a warmness she didn't know she needed. "Where are we going?" she signed. "Oh no forgive me dear. You don't have to keep signing or writing in your notepad" he cleared his throat. The girl noticed something weird with his right hand, she couldn't quite see.
"Want in on a little secret?" He whispered. " You see I'm just like you, I'm a legilimen as well, so don't worry about having to write everything down, just take my hand" She grabbed a hold oh his left hand.
They stopped in front of empty subway tracks, behind them a billboard of a woman and perfume caught the old man's attention. "Wicked" he went on "We are meeting two friends of ours, one of whom you might know better than the other" They turned around looking opposite the subway tracks, a small cafe shop established there. A familiar boy peeked out the window, looking in their direction.
"Yes indeed, the one and only Harry Potter" A smile grew on her face. The girl smiled even bigger as she waited patiently for the boy to cross over.

Harry! The boy slowly walked toward the girl lifting her up as the girl hugged the boy. A great smile on both the teenagers faces, Dumbledore just chuckled at their reaction.
"You look lovely as always Evelyn, love the new look" complemented the boy as he put the girl down.
"May I?" He asked pulling out his hand, which the girl gladly took. Don't even mention it, Hermione wouldn't let it go once I told her, you look great as well Harry!. She smiled even more, she had missed seeing the boys face.
"Ohh, to be young and in love" whispered the old man. "Did you say something?" Harry asked. "Oh no, no come on let's go, we've got a friend of like to introduce to him to you, hold onto one another, this might feel nauseous"
"Are-" Evelyn was not able to finish her thought when she felt her body being stretched a thousand ways. She thought her mind would explode, she could hear Harry's screams.
She opened her eyes, only to find themselves standing in the dark empty streets of Godric's Hollow, they stood in front of what looked like a broken-into house.
"We just apparated, didn't we?" Asked Harry, taking in a big gulp. "Yes, quite indeed, both of you did great, most first-timers tend to have a thing for vomiting" applauded Dumbledore.

"Where are we?"
"Well dear, welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton"

His gaze didn't leave the broken front door.
"Wands out everybody" warned Albus. They slowly began to descend into the house, cluster were everywhere, the girl stood in the middle, the only light visible coming from their wands, she looked at the ceiling, noticing dragon blood, huh. Evelyn felt bad if any people were to come home and find the place a mess.

They walked into the living room, stopping in front of a perfect condition couch chair. Albus brought his fingers to his lips, he walked slowly to the chair poking it. The next she saw was a giant white old man, who was hidden as a chair and began to shift back to his regular figure.
"Merlin's Beard!" he yelled out. "No need to disfigure me Albus" he complained.
"Well I might say, you made a very convincing armchair Horace" he chuckled. Harry and Evelyn shared a confused stare. "What gave me away?" The so-called Horace asked.
Dragons Blood wasn't it? The mute girl wondered.
"Correct. Dragons blood" Albus looked at Horace. The other old man gave the girl a suspicious look.

"Oh yes, introductions. Harry and Evelyn i'd like you to meet an old colleague of mine Horace Slughorn"
"Just Slughorn please" he began to tie a night robe around him.
"Horace. Well you know who this is, but this young curious little lad you haven't quite met her yet, her name is Evelyn Alexandria  Blackwood"
"Oh boy, I'll be damned"

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