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(Hogwarts 1975)

A younger Severus Snape walked the hallways of the castle, he silently made his way to his class. The hallways were seemingly lonely as always, young Severus stopped at the end of the hallway, loud noises coming the way he was going.

His heart stopped a small gasp escaped his lips, they were coming. A young James Potter and a group of Gryffindors entered the hallway, Snape turned around and quickly walked away. He clutched his books, but they called out to him making him stop.

"Hey, Severus. Late to class again aren't you?!" He didn't turn around and start walking. He heard the footsteps follow behind, they quickened their pace as well. "Come on Severus, it was just a question! Don't be such a freak, can I have the notes of the lectures please!" Yelled out, James.

He felt a couple of grips from the other kids making him stop and face him the other way. He shifted his gaze towards the ground, unable to move.

A Gryffindor boy lifted his gaze making stared at James, a mischievous smile on his lips. "Come on give it. I don't want to hurt you" he didn't budge. He noticed a small redhead figure behind him, too short to notice who it was.

He didn't answer. "No." He said at last. Max, one of the boys snatched the books from the boy's grip and began reading them and flipping through the pages. Severus let go and punched the boy in his nose making him stumble back, "Oh you didn't" warned James before kicking the boy in the stomach the others followed.

Snape fell to the floor too weak to stand, so they stopped hitting him. "Come on let's go," said another boy as he took the pages from his books. "Yeah," said James as he fixed his glasses.

They walked away, he noticed a pair she was still standing there, he noticed a small redhead girl staring at him. She had bright blue eyes red ginger hair and pale skin she was beautiful. But she didn't say anything.

"Come on Lily! Leave this freak alone he deserves it" James came running back in and pulled the girl away, not letting her say another word. Severus wiped his bleeding nose his ribs hurting more than ever.

Severus rubbed her eyes while sniffing silently, small tears rolling down one by one. He realized he was crying, he tried to stand back up again but the pain was too unbearable for him.

"I'm such a fucking coward," he said. He raised his gaze, he noticed a girl standing there she looked much smaller yet confident. She had dark brown eyes and brunette medium-length hair, she wore a Slytherin robe, and she had a cocky smile.

She had seen her once or twice in the common room hanging out with others and was quite popular among other Slytherins. But he had never heard her speak, she stood there saying nothing as always. "I'm fine, leave me alone" She didn't budge.

She reached down next to him and inspected the bruises on his face with her gaze. She raised her hand and lifted his face, he avoided her gaze. "I said I'm fine, don't touch me" he moved his gaze.

She quickly raised his cheeks again and placed both her hands on his cheek, taking him by surprise. She cupped his face and closed her eyes, warmth radiating from the palm of her hand, he began to feel better little by little.

She let go and backed up a little bit, Snape touched his face his face not hurting anymore. The girl moved her palm to his chest the pain leaving little by little, he felt much better as if nothing had happened.

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