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The morning after, Evelyn woke up in a good mood, a bit later than usual, but happy. Memories from the night before flushed right in her head. She got ready for school, and excitement and concern spread all over her face. She had never liked a boy a lot.

She has had a boyfriend in the past she didn't remember how but she did but they didn't last that long, and she fell out of feelings. She just never started liking a boy that made her heart go crazy. Somehow that's what Harry did. But something inside her kept her locked in her mind telling her to not open up too much.

She grabbed her stuff and walked out, the common room was mostly empty, all students were in their classes at this point. She hurriedly made her way to the corridors, she was never late to class.

Evelyn came to a stop, her body stiff. She raised her hand feeling her forehead, she was hot, sweat dripping from the sides of her forehead. Suddenly her eyes were consumed by darkness. She felt a sudden excruciating pain in her head, her mind went blank.

She felt a sharp pain in her head as if someone was spoking her with hundreds of ice picks. She dropped to the ground the pain too intense that became too unbearable for her, she scrunched up her body, her body quivering. Tears streaming down her face. She screamed as loud as she could, for someone to come help her, but it was all in her head. She dropped her books, she didn't feel anything, she didn't know where she was. She was alone.
And then she heard that voice again.

Oh Evelyn, or should I say my Evelyn, you've once again come to amaze me. You've gotten so close to the Potter boy, I'd admit that I'm taken by surprise a girl like you was able to be friends with him. Now, don't cry. Don't be afraid of us, we're not the true enemy here. You have no reason to avoid us. Are you scared that your little Potter boyfriend will find out about your dark little secret? That you're a Horcrux. Do you think he would still like you back if he found out?

But don't worry my dear, he will be long dead before that.
Now if you don't want him or any of your friends to suffer, then give yourself to us, you know you're one of them whom I need to keep the most. Just like Nagini, by my side. If you must repudiate against me, then I have no other choice but to kill all of them, and take you myself. I will not stop until I get what I want.

No. No. Make it stop! Get out of my head I will never become one of you...

Please, I'm begging you...

You'll never be alone

Somebody help me, it hurts.

Until next time Evelyn....


And he was gone. Just like that.

"I got you"
"Hey, hey. It's okay you're safe with me, I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promised you that I'll always be here" A deep voice woke Evelyn back to her consciousness. Her vision was blurry, the light too bright for her to properly see who it was. It was familiar. It was that same voice she missed to hear, raspy and deep yet so full of hidden emotions. She felt his muscular body embracing her and picking her up, his breath so close to her face. He smelled like mint and cigarettes.

Draco, it hurts

"I know, I got you"

Draco kept walking, he went down the stairs, down the dark hallways, he made his way toward the Slytherin common room. He made his way to his room, glad that he was alone, he placed down carefully the sleeping girl onto his bed.

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