a rocky plan

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the pack were situated in an underground parking lot, hiding in the sparse amount of cars there that late at night- stiles had explained how to break into cars the morning before they left.

derek, peter and allison were in one car, scott isaac and erica in another. boyd and jackson were in a car closest to the entrance and lydia was hidden in a storage room- checking the cameras. stiles had managed to make a scent blocker for them all so all they had to do was stay silent.

whilst they waited derek thought back on that evening- when he left stiles in his room. they had fallen asleep during the day and derek had carefully extracted himself from stiles before leaving- locking the door behind him, he knew it was an extensive measure but he had to be sure, besides he had convinced kira to let him out after an hour- enough time for them to get to the location without him.

he was sure he would get an earful from stiles later and oddly he found himself looking forward to it.

he was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of two cars roaring outside. derek signalled for everyone to get down and he sunk into the worn seat,barely being able to see over the dashboard. he cast peter a look and peter rose an eyebrow- silently asking if it was them. derek peeked over and had to suppress a growl at the sight of malia and cruncher exiting from expensive looking cars derek nodded to peter and they waited for boyd and jackson to make their move. derek looked back and almost choked- their whole pack was there too... ten of them. this was going to complicate things.

back at the house

stiles woke up with a start, his hand instantly searching for derek only to find his side of the bed empty. he muttered a few curses and sleepily clambered out the bed in search of him.

stiles stumbled to the door and tried to open it, locked. his eyebrows furrowed as he jiggled the door knob, his frustration growing. eventually he gave up and slammed his fists against the door.

the memory of the first time he woke up in that room came back and he almost laughed- how much had changed since that? he hit his fists against the door again. mirroring his actions all those months ago.

"mother fucker"
he muttered under his breath. just then a small piece of paper caught his eye. he snatched it off the carpet and unfolded it hurriedly. eyes frantically flicking over the neatly folded paper. in dereks smooth hand writing he read

stiles, if you're reading this we have left to go fight malia and her pack, im sorry we locked you in- its for your own safety, at around 10pm kira agreed to come round and let you out. shout at me when I get back but I don't regret it. please don't break the door down.


stiles crumpled the note up in is hand, he knew he would get left here but he was planning on just sneaking out straight after them, he had a rough idea of where they were but not enough to get there on his own. this was a pisstake.

in fairness to stiles he did wait impatiently for around twenty minutes, checking the time practically every minute, but after three more uninterrupted minutes of boredom he felt his stomach suddenly drop, something was wrong- he could feel it, something had gone terribly wrong- his gut instinct and is fox were yipping and yelling at him to do something. stiles swallowed thickly. he paced the room for a moment, waiting for the inexplicable dread to wear off... it didn't. after what felt like an hour but could have only been few moments stiles thougt 'fuck it' he forced the door down with his shoulder and it clattered to the floor, he winced and rubbed his arm- the door was dark oakwood. he also just did the one thing derek told him not to do but he could apologise later. if dereks still alive that is... the thought pushed the fox over the edge, he picked up speed and began to run.

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