Chapter 13

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Previously on CATastrphe-



I stood there, staring at the cats, while they stared at me. No one moved as the world around us was silent. “Wait, you can hear us?”, asked one of the cats slowly while I started to slowly take out my gun. “Finally! I thought this would never happen!”, bounced Dorayaki while I quietly readied a shot. “I don’t think she’s really happy about that”, snarked Iris while I took out the gun fully and aimed at them. “It was nice knowing you guys, see you in hell”, Tiger stated while I was fully convinced I was drugged on something. “Listen Miss Naja, yes we can speak but that doesn’t mean you have to kill us”, spoke Ameth as I started to panick. There were talking CATS in my house. Cats that slept with me, who saw my weird behaviour and- oh my god, I even washed them. I felt like throwing up to be honest but what can I do? Just as the tension rose I was saved by an unknown being.


Putting away the gun I raced out of the room and threw open the door. “Woah! What made you this eager to see me?”, asked Naoto jokingly while I pulled him inside and locked the door. “I’ve just missed you, can’t a younger sister miss her older brother?”, I asked teasingly while I helped him take off his coat. “Yes but that isn’t the case for you most of the times. Do you have anything. To eat?”. “Hmm go and sit in the kitchen I’ll whip something up”. I went to my fridge and saw that I had a marinated chicken I prepared this morning and stuck it in the oven, while getting started on peeling potatoes and carrots. “Um Naja. Who are they?”, gulped Naoto as he pointed at a bunch of glaring cats. Except poor Michi who looked like his soul left his body. “Oh those are some cats I got. Although they’re a bunch of rascals… except for Buttercup, Rosy, Caramel and Marble”, I spoke while not looking at them. We still need to have a chat after this. “Don’t you think this is too much cats? Anyways, I came to talk to you about you know who”. I finally finished cutting and dumped the veggies into a pot to boil. “What about them?”. “I heard the same news you found out. That they’ve been increasing their activities and making riskier moves. But yesterday I got in contact with a small executive who gave me a hint. ‘Hair like onyx with skin pale white. Eyes sky blue but dark at night. The clock is ticking, so beware. By 12 02 you’d better be prepared’, he drawled while my heart started to beat faster in my chest. Black hair and blue eyes…

No no no! It can’t be me! Yes I got roses and weird letters, yes I’ve been stalked by somebody but it can’t be the second generation of Bonten. “Well I guess we’ll get more information”, I spoke while the timer went of for the food and I took everything out. I put food on both our plates and gave some to the cats as well quietly hissing to stay put and they’re not out of their mess yet. We ate in silence making small conversation here and there. “How is your wife? Oh wait, I forgot you don’t have one”, I joked while he glared at me. “What about you? When are you finally getting your first boyfriend?”. I started to choke when he said that. How dare he hit my sensitive part! Yes I’ve never been on a date and I’m still virgin, but how dare he! “Enough about that. I see you’ve finished eating? Well then I guess this is goodbye. Au revoir and all of that”. I pushed him to entrance, threw him his coat and locked him outside. I relaxed after hearing his car leave after a minute. “Fuck that asshole”, I muttered angrily while heading back to the cats. They were sitting strictly, as still as a statue when I came in. “Now tell me what the hell are you doing here”.

They proceeded to tell her about how they were fighting before they fell unconsciousness and ended up on her doorstep as cats. “Fine. But how can I understand you now when before you sounded like ordinary cats”. “We don’t know. We don’t know anything”, grunted glasses while scowling at me. “So what are your names?”.

They then proceeded to give me a quick run down of their names, me memorising them to not get them mixed up. “Okay. It’s been a long day and I need to process what’s happened. I’m going to bed. You can do whatever but do not- and it repeat. Do Not break anything. Goodnight”.

They sweat-dropped at my mood switch as I walked back to my room, hanged and fell asleep. Nightmares plaguing my mind as I slept.

When I woke up, it was to a phone call. Whoop Dee doo. “Hm hello?”. “Hello Naja. Are you awake?”. “Well I am now. The hell you want Boss?”. “Can you meet me at the café near the station at 1? I’ve got something to discuss with you”.




“Hello? Naja are you still there?”. “Hm? You’re still here?”. He immediately hung up after that. What could the Boss possibly want to discuss? Yesterday felt like a bad dream was all I thought as I showered, brushed my teeth, put on my work clothes and headed to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea and buttered up a slice of toast. I wasn’t planning on eating too much anyways. I went outside and sat on the porch, enjoying the morning as fuchsia, orange and yellow streaked the sky. After finishing I headed back inside and heard… “Do you think she’ll kill us or throw us out?”. “Of course not! We’ve known Naja for about 2 weeks now and she’s not the type of person who’d throw out animals”. “Oh please. She didn’t know we were people before but now she does. She’s probably gonna throw us out…”.

Oh. So it wasn’t a dream. I really did get talking cats. “Nobody is throwing anyone out”, I said as I walked into the living room. Their heads spun towards me while Kisaki’s eyes narrowed. “Were you listening in on us?”. I snorted at his suspicions. He was honestly a defenceless ball of fluff in my opinion. Should I get him castrated? “No. Your all just too loud. Now is everyone here?”. … “Where is Sanzu?”, asked Senju warily as we heard a groan from the kitchen. I walked in and saw…


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