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Your POV-

"It's so cold..." I said, rubbing my hands together.

I was walking around god knows where at about 6:00 p.m. Why? BECAUSE YA BITCH GOT LOST.

I have no idea where the hell I am, but I'm here and still alive I guess.


I was shopping in a store in Yokohama and I was in line to buy my items. It was a lot of items...

I was waiting in line and a dude came in line right behind me. Now, I didn't think too much of this, until he got a little too close. Now, I was just minding my business and all of a sudden, I feel something gliding on my ass cheek. I slowly turn around and see this guy reaching for my ass! AGAIN WITH THE ASS! SERIOUSLY? This time, I had my trusty hydro flask. So I slipped it out of my bag and began whacking him with it. Lucky day, because it was filled with water and ice. Nice! People began crowding around confused, and then, someone called the po po! So when I heard them sirens, oh you already know! I ran outta there like I was running outta hell. I was running for about an hour, not knowing where the police were even coming from, but I stopped running when the sirens were gone. I just realized, I accidentally stole my items because I was too busy running out of the store. Oopsie!

"Damn, how far did I run?" I wondered, looking around at my surroundings. Unfortunately, my surroundings were very unfamiliar. "Well... I'm lost!"

I walked around until the sun began to set.

"Oh no, it's night time!" I said. My dumbass should have called my sister a long time ago, but I thought that I'd be able to find my way home myself. I checked my phone.

"2 percent??!!"

"Where the hell am I? Is this even Tokyo?" I asked myself, beginning to roam around once more.

Back to present time!

It was nearing seven o'clock when I checked my phone again. I turned it off to save battery, and put one hand in my pocket, the other clutching my purse protectively. What if I was in the ghetto and someone would try to pull a cliché move like stealing my purse?

My legs were so tired, but I had to keep moving.

"I think I am about to pass the hell out." I said to myself. "MAN! I'm so thirsty..."

I reached in my bag for my trusty hydro flask, but guess what, it wasn't there.

"I must have dropped it at the store. NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed/cried.

I dramatically lied on the dirty ass ground and said, "If I die, I guess I'm dying in the unknown..."

"Um, are you good?" A voice asked.

"No." I bluntly answered.

"Do you need help?" Another voiced asked. Both of these voices sounded like DUDE voices!

"Maybe." I answered.

"Can you walk orrr..."

I got up to see who was talking to me and I almost collapsed my ass back to the ground. Haitani's in the ghetto!!!

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"What? Do we look familiar?" Ran asked me, smirking.

"No." I lied. (Lets humble them really quick lmao)

"Really? Are you foreign or something?" Rindou asked, raising an eyebrow.

I gave him a side eye and said, "No, do I have to know you?"

《𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆》✔ ||  A TokyoRev FanficWhere stories live. Discover now