Chapter II: Hallway Talk

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Closing his locker, Goten sighed. Another day, another headache. A deep hatred for school surged through his Sayian blood, and all his Omegan brain wanted to do was nest. He pressed his forehead to the cold, blue metal and listened as feet scurried by. Closing his eyes, he could almost make out the person each footstep belonged to.

Fumiko, Mai, Haru, Emily. Heavy stomps, light skips, squeaky sneakers. Sana, Benjii, Valese. He rolled his eyes, thankful she didn't recognize him with his back turned. Izzy, Genkei, Trunks. His eyes snapped open. Trunks? His body automatically turned, heart softening when he saw a ruffle of lavender hair coming his way. He smiled. Well, at least one good thing comes out of having to be here, he thought.

However, Trunks was sporting a hard-to-miss frown. And the closer he got, Goten noticed his luscious hair wasn't styled in it's normal middle part. His fringe was uncombed, strands were poking out here and there, just overall messy. Black tinted sunglasses covered his baby blues, but his posture said it all. He was hungover. "You didn't wait for me in the parking lot," the older teen greeted, smelling a saddened Alpha.

"I know, I'm sorry. I meant to shoot you a text, but I would've been late for my English lecture." Goten apologized, frowning. He reached for the young Alpha's sunglasses. "You should probably take these off. It's a dress code vio—"

Trunks swatted his hand. "Don't. I have a migraine, light hurts at the moment."

Goten let out a small whimper, bowing his head. "I hate when you drink," he whispered, loud enough for the elder to hear, "you're always moody the morning after."

A short wave of silence came over the two of them. Goten's ears began to make out individual footprints again, a nervous habit. Though Trunks was young to be a drinker, it never stopped him before. He easily had access to his parents liquor cabinet, and since he was home alone eighty-eight percent of the time, who was there to stop him?

Exhaling, the forgotten Sayian prince removed his shades. "Sorry, 'Ten. I didn't mean to snap at you," he made eye contact, "I just feel like shit. Don't really care to be here."

Whenever Trunks finally looked at him, the younger teen was taken aback by how red his eye sockets were. Not to mention his eye bags were noticeably heavy today. "Did you take that senzu I left for you?" He asked, fighting the instinct to nuzzle the teen in the middle of a busy hallway.

Trunks shook his head.

"Why not?"

Trunks shrugged. "Didn't remember."

Goten huffed. "Whatever." He turned to walk away, clearly upset. "I'll see you later."

Eyebrows furrowing, the lavender-haired boy pointedly grabbed Goten's arm. "Hey wait," he pleaded, "don't get mad and walk off. It pisses me off when you do that."

Goten stopped in his tracks. He exhaled and shook his head. "I just- don't understand why you don't take the help I give you," he turned to face him, "you're too stubborn to listen to me."

The Alpha scoffed. He knew he was stubborn, but hated being told so. The criticism reminded him that he and his father were alike... too much alike. "I listen to you..." he weakly defended.

"Then why didn't you take the senzu?"

Wiping a hand over his face, Trunks groaned. "Fuck, I don't know 'Ten. I don't—"

A bunch of obnoxious giggles interrupted their conversation. Two blondes, and one redhead approached the boys. "Hi Trunks!" The redhead smiled, stepping between the couple. "Do you mind walking us to class? We've been wanting to talk to you about good places to volunteer at."

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