Chapter IV: Red Sweatshirt

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Goten slung his backpack over his shoulders. He lifted up the bedroom window and looked out into the atmosphere. The sun had began to set, streaks of red and yellow adorning the sky. He huffed, turning to Trunks. "I wish I could stay a bit longer." He pouted. "I can always use instant transmission to get home?"

Shaking his head, Trunks joined him at the windowsill. "We both know you'll end up staying too long. I don't want to get you yelled at." He wrapped his arms around the younger Sayian's waist. "Be safe. Don't fly into any birds." He joked, trying to get Goten to laugh. Yet, Goten wasn't laughing. He wasn't even smiling. The raven-haired teen gazed out the window, something on his mind. His scent was bitter, not exactly sour, but distinct enough for Trunks to know his boyfriend was upset. "Babe?"

Goten continued to gaze into the abyss.

"Goten," Trunks pressed, gently turning his head, "what is it? Talk to me." He stared into his brown eyes, noticing the tears sitting on his waterline.

Goten tried to blink away the tears, yet one escaped and reached the bottom of his chin. "I don't want to keep our relationship a secret anymore, Trunks." He confessed lowly.

Trunks' stomach constricted. He released Goten's waist, turning to stare out the window. His lips were tight, forming a thin line.

Goten watched as the older Sayian shut down, engrossed by his fears. He splayed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "We can do it together, if that would be easier for you."

Scoffing, Trunks brushed his hand away. "Yeah, like that would go over well. Father would probably disown me, and Chi-Chi would have the breakdown of all breakdowns." He rolled his eyes. "Because two boys being together is worse than Cell in their eyes."

Goten fiddled with his fingers, another nervous habit of his. "Yeah..." he bit his lip, pondering, "well, what if we only told my dad and your mom? Just to see how it goes?"

Crossing his arms, the forgotten prince looked to the marble floor. "I guess that could work," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I just don't know, Goten. I can't- I don't—" he groaned in frustration, beginning to tug at his hair.

Like the angel he was, Goten lovingly grasped Trunks' hands. He gave them a reassuring squeeze, before pecking his lips. "It's alright, babe. Take your time." He smiled encouragingly, and watched his boyfriend slowly pull himself together.

Trunks inhaled, exhaling slowly to mutter, "What if mom doesn't accept me?" His voice shook. "I could find ways to cope with father hating me, b-but... I don't think I could handle it if she resented me."

Goten's heart broke for the lavender-haired teen. No, they weren't physically bonded, but he could still feel the pain and discomfort Trunks was experiencing— true soulmates.

"I'm scared, Goten." He rested his forehead on the shorter boy's shoulder. "I can't lose her love." He finished, sadly. Rarely, very rarely did Trunks ask for physical comfort. Not that he really asked for it, he would just nonchalantly lean against Goten when he needed care. Given he was an Alpha, he preferred to be the one who gave the physical touches. Yet, every now and then, the curtain fell and a scared, confused boy was revealed to be standing behind it.

"I understand, Trunks. I do." Goten soothed. "Mom would like me to be in a traditional relationship too, but as of right now, I can't give her that." He ran his tender fingers through the purple mane. "We can't keep sneaking around like this. I can't keep sneaking around like this."

Trunks groaned. He slightly moved his head to nuzzle Goten's scent gland. The smell of nectar never failed to calm his nerves. "I hear you," he responded. He closed his eyes, exhaling longly. "Okay, I'll tell her when she gets home."

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