Chapter VII: Break Stuff

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"Its just one of those days
Where you don't want to wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sucks"

Trunks stared at his galaxy themed ceiling. If he could've, he would've smiled. Years ago, he'd begged his mother to install a holographic ceiling that resembled space. It was a simple reminder of how beautiful life was outside of Earth.

"You don't really know why
But you want to justify
Rippin' someone's head off"

Every possible emotion ranging from anger to pity was coursing through his veins. However, above it all he felt numb. He had yet to shed anymore tears, and frankly did not want to. He had come to the conclusion that numbness was better than feeling.

"No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days"

He placed a bottle of Snake Venom to his lips, chugging the last few drops sloshing around. He grimaced at the fiery taste. He never understood why his mother liked this alcoholic concoction so much, it quite literally made him gag. Yet, he took what he could get his hands on without getting caught.

"It's all about the he-says,
she-says bullshit
I think you better quit,
let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip"

How many days had it been since the breakup? Eight... twelve maybe? He couldn't remember. He couldn't recall the last time he attended school either, but it's not like he cared. He had no reason to be there now.

"It's all about the he-says,
she-says bullshit
I think you better quit,
talking that shit"

Did he hate being home though. At least at school he could more or less escape his upcoming reign of Capsule Corp. He told his mother he'd be finishing the rest of his highschool education online, which meant Bulma jumped at the chance of having more time to prepare her son for CEO.

"Its just one of those days
Feeling like a freight train
First one to complain
Leaves with a bloodstain"

Trunks groaned sickly. He cupped his forehead, trying to soothe the brutal headache. He binge drank all night, and the night before that, and the night before that. There was practically no self-control, he drank as he pleased.

"Damn right I'm a maniac
You better watch your back
Cause I'm fucking up your program"

Really, he should be studying. His private tutor would be over tomorrow morning to help prepare him for a test. Oh well, nothing a senzu bean can't fix.

"You just lucked up
Next in line to get fucked up
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days"

The teen noticed his bedroom doorknob moving. It jiggled relentlessly, unable to turn because of the lock. "Go- erp, away, Bulla!" He yelled, turning his music up louder. Being his annoying little sister, she probably replied with a snarky remark. But, he didn't care.

"It's all about the he-says,
she-says bullshit
I think you better quit,
let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip"

He just couldn't begin to comprehend why Goten would break it off so suddenly, like ripping a bandaid. Yes, he had a drinking problem, but the omega was blowing it way out of proportion.

"It's all about the he-says,
she-says bullshit
I think you better quit,
talking that shit
Punk, so come and get it"

Maybe Goten was seeing someone else? That could explain why he ended it without cause. What if... what if he had come on to Goro?

"I feel like shit
My suggestion, is to keep your distance
Cause right now I'm dangerous"

Trunks shook his head, pushing the demented idea away. Buried under his intoxicated thinking, he knew Goten wasn't like that. In all honesty, he probably broke it off because he was tired of his crap. Whatever, it's not like he cared.

"We've all felt like shit
And been treated like shit
All those motherfuckers
That want to step up
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw"

Alcohol was the lost prince's saving grace, he couldn't give it up. If Goten couldn't accept that, then that was his problem.

"I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way,
I just might
Break something tonight"

What's more twisted is Goten getting upset because he wasn't ready to show his true colors. In Trunks' eyes, it was selfish to ask him to come out. A good partner would understand his situation.

"Give me something to break
Just give me something to break
How bout yer fucking face
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw

His music died down at the ding of his phone. As the tune started back up, Trunks opened his messages. His eyes focused and unfocused terribly while he skimmed over the text. Apparently, there was a party happening at an old friend's house.

"A chainsaw
A motherfucking chainsaw
So come and get it"

He replied to Mai with an 'ok'. He wasted no time throwing on a pair of shoes, and snuck out his window. No boyfriend? No problem.

"It's all about the he-says,
she-says bullshit
I think you better quit,
talking that shit
Punk, so come and get it"

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