Chapter X: Goten

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He wanted Trunks...

Goten really wanted the young Alpha...

Chi-Chi held a straw to his mouth. She could tell by the small cracks forming on his lips that he was parched. "You need to stay hydrated, honey." She pleaded. "Take a small sip."

The sickly omega whined. He glanced at the water his mom was offering him before swatting at it. "Don't want it!" He bellyached, pulling his knees into his chest. He moaned out in pain, the cramps unbearable.

Chi-Chi pressed the back of her hand to her son's forehead. She gasped. "You're burning up, Goten!" She rested the cold bottle of water on his inflamed cheek. "I know you're hurting, but you need to try your knotting toy."

Goten groaned unhappily. He didn't want the toy, he wanted Trunks. "No momma," he weeped, blinking up at her, "don't want it."

Chi-Chi moved the bottle of water to his sweaty forehead. "But your toy could help relieve the cramps." She watched as her youngest offspring's face twisted in discomfort. How she wished she could make it better.

The omega pushed out his bottom lip. He buried his face in his hands, accidentally knocking the bottle of water away. His heat had started four days ago and was now full-blown. He'd only experienced two cycles in his life, and they were both dry cycles. Or in other words, his body was preparing for reproduction but was not quite ready. In his dry heat, he desired cuddles and food— which Chi-Chi easily provided for him. It lasted exactly three days, and the only symptom the omega had to push through was drowsiness.

This heat, however, was sensual. Aggressively sensual. Goten was put on immediate domestic leave for school as the cramps became too much for him to even walk, and because his sweet scent would undoubtedly distract students. His body was extremely fertile and ready to mate, hence the puddle of seductive slick he was lying in. All he craved was an Alpha to breed him, preferably Trunks. He whimpered as a gush of slick inadvertently made him wet, causing his sweet, nectary scent to coat his nest of blankets.

Chi-Chi stroked the young Sayian's cheek with her thumb. "I'm sorry, baby boy. I would ask Valese to come over and help, but I just know she wouldn't be safe with you."

Goten sniffled, opting not to respond. It amazed him that his mom still thought he was "with" Valese. She never came over anymore, and the last time they'd even spoken was months ago. Besides, if he wanted any Alpha to come over, it would be Trunks. But if Chi-Chi wouldn't let Valese help, she'd have a cow before allowing Trunks anywhere near him. Not that she didn't like Trunks, he was a good kid. Yet, it was common knowledge that male Alphas were more forceful than female Alphas with an omega who was in heat.

Chi-Chi wouldn't dare let any Alpha, besides family, within an inch of her baby omega. Petting his hair, she kissed his sweaty forehead. "Do you want me to get you a snack? There's leftover lasagna?" She asked.

Goten shook his head. "Not hungry." A sharp, fierce pain punctured his stomach. He shivered, curling further in on himself. "Hurts s' bad." He muttered.

Continuing to pet his hair, Chi-Chi sighed. An overwhelming part of her wished Goten presented as an Alpha. Life would be so much easier for him. She doesn't love him any less, but definitely hates everything he'll have to experience. "Use your toy," she advised, "I know it's awkward but it will relieve the pain long enough for you to rest."

Goten's eyes widened as she stood from his nest. He quickly grabbed her wrist, puppy eyes on display. "W-Where are you going?" He questioned as his bottom lip wobbled.

"To start dinner. You don't feel like eating now, but maybe you will when I have it done." She smiled lovingly and bent to nuzzle her son. "I'll check on you periodically, alright? Yell if you need me."

Goten melted into her embrace. He nodded in response as more tears raced down his cheeks. Through blurry eyes he watched his mom quietly leave, shutting the door behind her.

Wiping his nose, he glanced at the knotting toy that lay on his nightstand. The dildo was white with a sturdy, inflatable knot at the bottom. He found it difficult wanting to use the toy, because he didn't want anything inside him except for Trunks— it would feel as fake as a three dollar bill. In the back of his mind, he knew it was purely his hormones causing him to think this way; A recent breakup and a brutal heat did not mix well.

In all honesty, he was shocked his mom gave him a knotting toy. Chi-Chi was fairly modest, so it was almost out of character for her to allow him something that related to masturbation. Either his real mom had been abducted by aliens, or she deeply felt for her son who was writhing in pain.

Sitting up, Goten leaned against the headboard. He tucked his elephant under his chin as he weighed his decision. No, the dildo wasn't Trunks, but it could perhaps ease the cramps in his abdomen. Aside from that, he shouldn't be thinking about the older Sayian anyhow. Twenty-Three days since the breakup, and he could safely believe they weren't getting back together.

Reluctantly, he reached for the toy. His slick hole clenched as he propped the bases of his feet on the bed. He shimmied out of his fleece pants and briefs, proceeding to tediously spread his knees apart.

He wiggled slightly while trying to line the dildo up with his wet entrance. His anus was coated in so much slick that the tip slipped and slid. When he finally had the rubber breaching his entrance, he winced. The material was cold, far from warm. But he had to admit, the stretch somewhat relieved the shooting pains he'd been dealing with going on five days.

Clutching his stuffed elephant, he pushed the knotting toy forward and slowly pulled it back. He moaned. He spread his legs further apart, and repeated the motion; pushed it in deeper, and pulled it back. The amorous omega allowed his eyes to drift, biting his lip in the process. The squelching sound of his slick filled his ears and it only made him wiggle onto the dildo even more.

He moaned as his cocklet chubbed up slightly. His hips bucked upwards, but ultimately pushed down on the toy that was so wonderfully filling him. Moving his wrist faster, his moans loudened. "Please..." he mindlessly mumbled to himself, "please."

The base of the dildo rested comfortably in his hole as he pulled and pushed rigidly. He bit the ear of his elephant as he forced the fake-inflated knot thoroughly into his sex. His forehead shriveled, and his mouth dropped as the most satisfying orgasm he'd had in a while overwhelmed him. "T-Trunks!" He shouted as his body convulsed, slick spouting from his entrance like a faucet.

Heaving heavily, his body gradually relaxed itself. The cramps temporarily eased up and the hot-flashes he'd been experiencing dissipated. It wasn't until after his muscles felt like jelly when he realized no matter how hard he tried to not think of the older Sayian, he'd always be in the back of his mind.

He was his soulmate.

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