Chapter XVI: Up in Flames

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Burnt orange leaves floated to the ground. A light breeze swept said leaflets away, but not before creating a gentle loop. The crisp, Autumn air sent shivers through Goten's lungs. A soft reminder that the world had not come to an end yet, even if it felt that way.

Picking up a dark brown stick, the worried boy poked at dead leaves sleeping in the grass. He prodded until he received the wonderful crunch he'd been awaiting. He then moved to the next leaf, but was disappointed when no sound ricocheted. Sighing, he threw the stick across the yard, and leaned against the oak tree he was under.

Glancing up, he studied the old branches, twisting and swiveling in multiple directions. Two of the branches, ironically, tangled into a magnificently shaped heart. At that, he scoffed and rolled his eyes. The universe was joking with the predicament he'd been trapped in.

Unfolding his legs, he reluctantly looked at his stomach. He glared. Though his abdomen was flat and toned now, it wouldn't be in a couple months— and that knowledge absolutely ate him up. A life he didn't want, a life that would ruin his life, was currently growing inside his uterus. He pulled his knees into his chest. It was so, so unfair.

He sniffled, drawing abstract shapes in the dirt. Albeit, he did desire a pup, but not this soon. Most days he couldn't tell his lefts from his rights, as he was always on the go. Training, extracurricular activities, and studying took every drop of energy he had. Fitting a pup into such a crammed schedule would be about as easy as gathering all seven Dragon Balls.

Eventually, the omega gave up on drawing shapes. He then scribbled a game of tic-tac-toe into the crusty ground. However, he quickly realized it was zero fun with just one player. He sighed, wishing Trunks were here. The Alpha would usually be here this time of day for their weekend "study session", though not much studying was accomplished with distractions such as a pup on the way. The only studying they'd managed was learning how to nest together in a way that wouldn't make Goten hostile.

The omega's hostility was not intentional, he actually favored cuddling with Trunks since it calmed his nerves. However, Trunks had spent the past three days glued to his side and it was becoming suffocating. After the tests flashed that dreaded positive symbol, the Alpha protested leaving Goten's side. He woke up with him, flew him to school, flew home with him, and then camped in his bedroom until the sun began setting— usually coming back at four o' clock in the morning.

Goten knew it was simply his overprotective nature blossoming, but worried when his mom would check on him and Trunks would scramble to hide. Not to mention, the elder's snoring during their naps was a dead giveaway. In turn, when school was let out yesterday afternoon, Goten forced him to go home.

"It'll be good for you," Goten said, "and me. We practically breathe in sync at this point, and it's not healthy."

"But 'Ten, I'm your mate." Trunks complained. "Mates are supposed to spend ungodly amounts of time together. Especially mates who are expecting."

Goten's eyes widened. He quickly glanced at the students passing by with timidity. "Don't say that so loud!" He hissed. "If anyone, anyone at all, finds out about this you might as well write 'used whore' on my forehead."

The young Alpha shook his head, huffing. "I wish you would quit thinking that shit. No one's going to mess with you. If anyone were to say anything I—"

"Alright enough." The omega interrupted, too tired to continue the conversation. "Please just go home. Spend some time with your mom. I'll be fine by myself for a while."

Surrender to You (Trunks x Goten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant