Chapter XVII: Tomato Soup

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Goten stirred whilst a chilly breeze flourished over his pale skin. As he shivered, he could hear the distinct sound of an owl hooting and crickets chirping. Serenity and tranquility. He sighed happily, stretching his legs. For a moment the world was still, for the young omega felt quiet and free of disturbance. No plague contaminated his mind. At last, he was content.

He yawned upon waking. Blinking sleepily, he recognized he was in the living room. The panel window was slightly cracked which allowed a cold gust of air in. Nightfall was upon him, as the silvery moon blasted his eyes. When he flipped over to avoid nature's elements, he realized he was on the couch— with a blanket thrown across him. Panicked, the omega quickly sat up, only to lay down again once a terrible headache burst through his frontal lobe.

" I should've protected you more. I just don't know how—"

"Chi-Chi, honey he just woke up. Give him a second to come to."

Goten slowly sat up this time, but groaned because of the migraine. He wiped the crust built up by tears from the corners of his eyes. His stomach ached and growled loudly, causing his pale face to turn red. "'Don' feel good," He whined.

Goku, who was sitting crossed-legged on the floor, reached out to touch his son's knee. "We know you don't son," he soothed, "would you like something to eat before you take a senzu? It'll probably kick in faster on a full stomach."

Goten rest the back of his head on the couch, staring at the ceiling. His eyes fell shut. He fiddled with the blanket in his lap. "Mmm, tomato soup?"

"Sure, that sounds easy for me to make," the Alpha agreed, "just stay here and try to—"

"Was it Valese, Goten?" Chi-Chi impatiently interrupted. "Did that no good, spoiled Alpha force it on you, baby boy?"

Goten's eyes snapped open. He looked straight at his mother, who was sitting beside his father. He could see the worry, could smell the fret. She was on the edge of her knees, leaned in to hear his response. He opened his mouth to speak and... silence.

Chi-Chi covered her mouth, taking his silence as an answer. "Oh! Oh Gods!" She stood and ran to the phone hanging on the wall. Rotating the rotary dial, she swore under her breath. "That little bitch just wait. I'll give her a piece of my mind and a big fat lawsuit. And once we win the trial we'll use the money to have that- that heathen's mark removed from—"

"It wasn't Valese, mom."

Goku only sat still. However, Chi-Chi whipped around like Freiza out of hell. The young omega sensed his mother's blood pressure rise. "What?" She breathily asked. "What do you mean it wasn't her? You haven't been with anyone else. Don't you lie to protect her, 'Ten."

Goten fell silent. There was no way he could articulate he had not seen Valese in months and the mark belonged to Trunks, without having a nervous breakdown. He continued to mess with the blanket in his lap. He refused to make eye contact with either of his parents, for their judgmental stares bored into his soul. He shrunk when his father pulled his hand off his knee.

The silence became too much for Chi-Chi. Hanging up the phone, she took short, robotic strides toward her son. She was weary as she reached out to touch the mark. Goten flinched when bony, soft fingers infiltrated the most sacred thing on his body. His instincts told him to move away, but he swallowed down a warning growl, and forced himself to sit still.

He gripped the blanket when his mother leaned forward to sniff. He held his breath, afraid to breathe. The scent of fear, spicy and mildewed, quickly materialized through his glands. A bead of sweat rolled down his face, and he anxiously looked at his father. Who still hadn't moved an inch.

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