Chapter IX: Trunks

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Trunks dodged an energy blast by using instant transmission. He reappeared on the other side of the gravity chamber. Heaving roughly, he wittily performed a back-flip to dodge another blast. However, a blow aimed below swept his feet out from underneath him.

The Sayian prince groaned as his back hit the floor. Huffing, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Cease training mode." He demanded of the AI system. Soon, the automated technology whirred down, and the red filter of the room faded to a peaceful white.

Trunks stared at the ceiling while he focused on his breathing. It was one of those rare days where he was sober, which unfortunately, gave him time to think. He had no idea how many days it'd been since the breakup, and he wasn't about to start counting. All he knew was every night when he lay in bed alone, he missed Goten's sweet scent.

Days passed and the omega's beachy smell had started to fade from his pillows. Trunks also missed hearing his voice on the phone, the sound of his innocent laugh. He missed making him blush, and the lopsided smile that came with it. He missed kissing him, and hugging him, and loving him, and...

He groaned, wiping a hand over his face. He hated being sober for exactly this reason. His brain could run a five-hundred mile marathon in an hour. The amount of times he'd thought about calling or texting Goten was ungodly. Yet, he never did. He broke it off, so why would he want to speak to him?

Trying to blow off steam and the hurt that encircled his heart, Trunks had decided to take a trip to the Gravity Chamber. It worked for his father when he argued with Bulma, so it could for him too, right? Wrong. Incredibly wrong. His thoughts were still loud, and his heart was still in pieces.

Partying and intoxication was his absolution. Undoubtedly, he'd overdone it on the partying. He snuck out every other night to attend house parties, clubs, and even a couple frats. It was so tempting, so easy, to drown his sorrows, and he gave in every time. He wasn't obtuse, he knew the constant jubilees were a mistake. He'd figured that out as soon as his lips had touched Mai's...

Exhaling from his nose, the teen closed his eyes. Guilt ran through every bone in his body. Really, he hadn't intended on kissing Mai, they were just good friends. Alas, he was off his rocker and the tight dress she'd worn to the party caught his eye. One thing led to another and smooch! He couldn't stop thinking about it. Not because he liked it, but because of how much he didn't like it. How wrong it felt.

The lost prince had never questioned his sexuality, he always had an attraction to boys. Goten partly helped him realize it, but his older brother Gohan was the true culprit. The scholar's smarts and buff figure made him weak in the knees when he was younger. Not so much anymore, but still.

As far as attraction to girls went, Trunks never paid it much attention. He thought girls were pretty and was fine with platonic relationships. But after that kiss with Mai, he wasn't sure he'd want a romantic relationship with one either.
Frustrated, he slapped his forehead repeatedly. He didn't know. All he knew was Mai wasn't Goten. There were no sparks or butterflies when their lips collided.

Sitting up, he lightly jumped when he saw his intimidating father at the chamber door. "Fa-Father," he stuttered, "you're home early. I thought you were still training with Whis?"

Vegeta chose not to respond. He only stared into his son's wide blue eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Shouldn't you be attending that educational institution your mother is always rambling on about?" He asked, instead of responding.

"I'm not answering your question until you answer mine." Trunks retorted.

Vegeta scoffed. He walked past his son, towards the Gravity Chamber's programmer. "You only have this set to 14?" The Alpha shook his head. "How pathetic." He then slung the towel from around his neck over the railing, and upcharged the system.

"So sorry I'm not training to your liking." Trunks' angrily said underneath his breath. He crossed his arms over his knees and rested his chin on his forearms. His life was a living hell, leave it to his father to make it worse.

"You're depressed." Vegeta blurted. "You always get angry when you're depressed."

Trunks' face turned red. "No I'm not."

Vegeta kept his back turned to finish programming the chamber. It wasn't in his nature to be the nurturer, he mainly left that to his wife. But even a blind man could see his son was dealing with rampant emotions. "Whis and Beerus were called to the Grand Zeni for a meeting. No reason for me to sit around and grow fat while waiting." He answered.

Trunks turned his head to look at his father. His back was facing him, but he could tell he was willing to listen. "I've decided I'm going to earn my diploma at home," He turned his head back and mumbled, "school is lame anyways."

"Is Kakarot's brat not going anymore then?"

Trunks heart rate sped up. What did he know about him and Goten? Swallowing nervously, he said, "He still is. I just find it hard to focus in a classroom."

Vegeta finished the last of his upcharges. Keeping quiet, he finally turned to look at his son. "Turn around and face me."

The teen hesitated at first, but found the balls to reposition himself. He looked to his eerie father with wide, anxious eyes.

"The longer you hold it in, the worse it gets." Vegeta vaguely told. "Now leave, I would like some time to train."

Trunks' mouth parted. Out of all the harsh things he was expecting his father to lay on him, that was certainly not one of them. Stunned, he stood from the floor and waded out the chamber. He jumped as the door automatically slammed shut.

What the hell did he mean? And what did he know? Trunks rubbed his eyes, trying to make sense of his father's brief proverb. He wasn't holding anything in, at least not anymore. A slight headache came on and he decided he was done thinking for the day. Time to get plastered.

As the lavender-haired boy rounded the corner, he accidentally bumped into his mother.

"Trunks! There you are. I've been searching everywhere for you." Bulma exclaimed. Her nose twitched as she leaned forward to smell him. She gagged. "You, sir, need a shower. It smells like you've rolled around in onions!"

Trunks rolled his eyes. "I've been in the Gravity Chamber, mom. Of course I'm gonna smell."

The scientist hummed. "Makes sense." She slicked back his sweaty hair, quickly regretting it. "I have a question for you, and answer honestly, alright?"

Trunks' heart rate, once again, sped up. He wasn't sure how much more he could take while sober. He nodded in agreement.

"Have you been stealing from my liquor cabinet again?" She tilted her head. "I've noticed a couple bottles of my Snake Venom missing. You wouldn't have anything to do with that, would you?"

Busted. Busted beyond busted, Trunks thought. He could deny it. Deny, deny, deny. Alas, his mother was too smart for that. He looked at his shoes and nodded in shame. His entire body tensed, waiting for the parental explosion heading his way.

"I think we need to get you back into therapy." The omega said calmly. "You're starting to spiral, dear. And I want your head on straight when you become CEO."

Immediately, rage consumed the teen. That's all his mother cared about anymore. Him becoming CEO. He was definite if he broke his leg, the first thing out of his mother's mouth would be 'let's get you healed quickly so you can attend your CEO conference'. He was tired of having to prepare for the transition of power and he was tired of hearing about it. "Mom I don't—"

"I'll go ahead and make a call to Dr. Stern." Bulma pulled out her phone. "He seemed to like having you as a client last time and I just know—"

Trunks balled his hands. "Gods, shut up! No mom, I don't need therapy! I need Go—" his lips tightened. He could see the shocked expression on his mother's face, and felt horrible for lashing out. "I'm going to my room." He gritted, storming past her.

Once he was in his room, he locked the door. He paced to and fro, breathing unsteadily. He needed to stop thinking. He hated this. Knowing there was another party at a local university tonight, he wasted no time throwing on a shirt and climbing out his window.

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