Chapter XIII: Selfish

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Goten's rapid heartbeat pounded in his chest. He wanted to barf, and fought to not drop the phone. He listened to Trunks' shallow breathing, impatiently waiting for a response.

"B-Busy? Hmm, I don't uh..." Trunks belched into the speaker, "don't think, erp, so. Why?"

Goten's brows furrowed. He took a few seconds to zero in on Trunks' ki and became even more nauseated when he sensed weakness. He wasn't sure what to anticipate— perhaps a sober phone call. Alas, he'd truly be a fool to expect nothing less. "Well my mom isn't too happy with my grades at the moment, so she wants you to start tutoring me." He anxiously bit his lip when he heard the Alpha drunkly snicker.

"Pfbbtttt," Trunks hee-hawed, "shure I'll tutor ya! Jush, gimme your address, hic, and number ma'am!"

Goten blinked briskly. His grip on the phone trembled. "Do- Do you even know who you're on the phone with?"

Trunks guffawed. His laugh was incredibly unrecognizable while under the influence, scaring Goten all the more. "'Course I do! You're— hey!" The intoxicated teen suddenly yelled.

Goten sat up straight. His heart skipped a beat while listening to the commotion. He made out gruff, deep voices and the shuffling of feet. He shakily breathed out.

"I didn't do shit! Urp, the bowl was like that after I got here!" Trunks bellowed.

Goten figured out the prince was arguing with two Alphas, who undoubtedly sounded older. Where is he? He thought, tearing the skin from his lip. The deafening music blaring in the background mysteriously died down, but a round of chants resounded. The omega's eyes bulged when he understood people were chanting Fight! Fight! Fight! like a mantra.

"Wash it pal!" Trunks growled. "I can, hic- I'll take both you at once!"

Goten froze when he felt Trunks' ki rising.

He was powering up.

With his judgment very poor, he was in no state to be picking fights. Or to be taking anyone on, for that matter. He had enough strength in one blow to take out an army, if he really wanted to. A drunken mind was a danger to itself and it's environment, and Trunks was no stranger. "Trunks! Stop it!" Goten said into the phone, panicking. "You're not thinking straight. Calm down before you do something you'll regret."

Trunks distantly cackled with pure insanity. "Hell no, I can take 'em! Jush wash an—"

The phone hit the ground with force. The call ended. Immediately, Goten redialed Trunks' number, but the Sayian didn't answer. He inhaled, but was met with short breaths. He started pacing the room like a caged animal.

Trunks was plastered, and about to do something senseless; He had to stop him from causing a scene. Without further thought, Goten pressed two fingers to his forehead. He focused on Trunks' energy, which had spiked madly, and disappeared from his room.

He reappeared outside a three-story building. Toilet paper was strewn across the railings, egg yolks had been launched at the bricks, and he was pretty sure he saw a couch outside.

He worriedly dashed inside when he heard the obnoxious chanting. He crushed multiple red solo cups under his feet as he pushed through the crowd of... college students? He shook his head. Figures Trunks was at a fraternity. He practically was a college student, and partying definitely was not new to him.

Goten stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed an ample of lavender hair. Panic set in. The omega gasped. Trunks had one of the Alpha's in a chokehold, and the other smushed against the floor with his foot. "Had 'nough, yet?" He boasted.

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