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( the effects of alcohol )

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( the effects of alcohol )


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"WHY AM I GETTING THE IDEA THAT YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO DANCE?" SAKADI SHOUTED NEAR ETHAN'S EAR. The two young adults danced almost as if they enjoyed each other's company. Callum's mystery drink along with the many sips of her rip-off version had been working its magic on Sakadi's attitude and judgment as soon as she grabbed Ethan by the hand.

      Only he had noticed the way she took his hand in hers, not realizing until that moment how soft her hands actually were in contrast to the calluses he had always seen her sporting due to hand-making most of her designs and outfits.

      Cool-colored flashing lights littered off of their faces gradually pulling nearer to each other. They were practically on the same eye level with how much moving they were doing to the beat of the third song that had played when they initially went to dance.

      Ethan found himself staring at her in motion face a little longer than fully sober him would have liked, but an hour prior to the dancing, Chad had engaged him into a shot contest for whatever reason and he hadn't found it in himself to decline until he was seven shots too far from sobriety. The boy now had an inclination of rolling his shoulders back, running his hands through his curls as now his helmet had now been elsewhere, gliding his tongue over his teeth, and now consistently watching Sakadi.

Had she always had that birthmark under her eye?

      The two frenemies had the idea that they had been keeping a comfortable distance from each other, but from the perspectives of the other partygoers dancing close to them, there was a sort of tension that came with the false sense of space between them. They messily stepped on each other's feet and spoke closely to each other and Kade found herself fiddling with the different articles of clothing on Ethan's upper body.

"Did you just compliment me?" said Ethan, teasing evident in his tone.

The fourth song began and the girl loudly sighed at the sound of it with a pearly grin creeping onto her lips. "Don't let it go to your head!" she said close to his ear again, warm breath fanning over the side of his neck as well. "Might not be able to fit that helmet back on if your head grows any more."

He didn't know if it had been there for longer than he realized, but the boy felt a sudden heat flush over his ears and then crawl up his neck.

      "Oh, I love this song," she said finally registering the music that played overhead. At the declaration of recognition of Right Here by Chase Atlantic, Kade had wrapped her hands around the back of Ethan's neck and had lolled her head back using him as support to not fall. Drinking made her friendly.

      Quickly, the bass of the song had overwhelmed them beyond their never-ending feud once their hands had clasped together and the two had only been shouting the lyrics in each other's faces.

      As soon as the main portion of the song had arrived, Sakadi's dramatics came for show. "I don't give a fuck about your friends!" Ethan shouted the lyrics for the first time of actually enjoying the designer's presence.

      Sakadi had intertwined her fingers together at the back of Ethan's neck and without warning, she had thrown her body weight backward at the shout of the song's title. Her long hair followed suit flowing behind her and he could've sworn she was straight out of a movie with how the lighting seemed to favor her at this angle.

      The curly-haired boy had to act fast, he didn't feel like seeing her usual demeanor return just yet if he had dropped her. Her lean body pulled him forward and he then fastened his arms around her waist, warm hands faintly on the exposed skin that her jacket revealed.

      Ethan had to lean forward into her for more stability. While her ring-clad fingers slightly tugged at the curls at the nape of his neck, the boy felt a test of his core strength in resisting putting his head on Kade's chest to ease the pressure on his spine. It was only then had he realized how low she had zipped up her heart jacket at the sight of her cleavage beginning to sprout in front of his face. For a second time that night, he felt a crimson heat flush on his cheeks.

      He needed to stop drinking if this is what would happen.

      Loud shouts had begun festering from the center of the frat house at the staircase and that was when Sakadi had come back to her senses and peered up at Ethan to see him so close to her. And then he dropped her.

Catching herself on her elbows and not hitting her head, Kade looked up at Ethan with her mouth agape and an offended look taking over her pristine features. She scoffed ignoring his outstretched hand and got herself up off of the hardwood flooring.

      There was a passing moment when she stood beside him and looked into his eyes as her fall had sobered her mind a bit yet she had ignored the thumping sound of her heart in her ears and began her long strides past him.

      In the new growing scene, her friends had created, Chad had been shoving some random guy named Frankie who had also been shoving him back, Callum had been standing behind Mindy acting as if she would be a shield if the guys became more physical with each other and moved in his direction, Tara had been shouting while being sat on the stairs, and Anika was trying to see what was happening over Mindy's shoulder.

      "For fuck's sake," Sakadi mumbled while joining the spectators.

      Out of nowhere came Sam, Tara's older sister, and she gently moved in place of Chad in front of the hostile stranger. "Hey, yeah, I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick," said Sam, and then Frankie was suddenly convulsing on the floor. Sakadi's hand went to her cover her mouth at the scene as a wide grin sprouted on her face and a few laughs fell from her lips. "Don't ever lay hands on my sister."

      "You fucking bitch!" screamed Frankie in pain.

      Kade rolled her eyes. "Stop acting like a bitch, you're fine!" She gave a light kick to his side with her heeled foot.

"Sam, are you fucking kidding me?" Tara questioned appalled. "You're stalking me now?"

Ethan had walked up behind the girl who had her hands around him only minutes ago. "Yikes," he muttered at the situation between the sisters. Kade jumped slightly at the sound of his voice being so close to her. Wordlessly she took a small step forward to put some distance between them and he could only watch her with the slightest hint of furrowed brows.

"Holy shit, it's that psycho girl!"

      And then they left.

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