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( french braids )

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( french braids )


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ETHAN WOKE UP TO THE SOUND OF QUIET ARGUING AND HARSH WHISPERING. When he blinked open his round brown eyes, two of the lights in Sakadi's apartment had been switched on; one in the kitchen and a small lamp beside the sofa. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he stretched his arms and reeled in a deep breath before addressing the chittering noise. That was when he noticed what Sakadi was doing.

Callum had let himself back in, Ethan could hear his voice as he watched Sakadi reaching out to whatever was in his hands while trying not to move her body so much.

      "I will slit your throat!" she quietly hissed. Callum could only let out a stream of poorly contained laughs. It was then that the boy saw she was reaching for Callum's phone in his hand.

      "Oh, look who's awake," Callum announced through his struggles and laughing once he saw Ethan watching the duo.

      Sakadi's head whipped around to look at Ethan and her cheeks showed a flush he could only guess was from the straining she was putting herself in. "Grab his phone! He's incriminating us!" she rushed out while her right hand clutched her best friend's wrist to assure he wouldn't get free.

"Don't use your criminology words, I just took a picture," Cal reasoned.

"He admits it!" Kade yanked his arm down abruptly knocking his phone out of his hand to bounce on the sofa with the screen conveniently faced up.

There on Callum Petropolus' phone was a picture of Ethan and Sakadi, closer than they had been when discussing Modern Family and the girl's scholarship. Both of Kade's feet had been propped up on the coffee table, arms under her blanket. Ethan had one foot tucked under his left leg and his arms crossed over his chest with barely any of the blanket on his legs.

      And his head rested on Sakadi's shoulder beneath her head.

      Ethan's eyes widened at the sight as heat crawled up his neck to slap right at his cheeks. His head snapped into the direction of Callum and Sakadi staring at him and he snatched the phone off of the cushion beside him. Kade's roommate tugged out of her grasp and rushed to Ethan who had already been standing.

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