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     "I'M STANDING IN FRONT OF THE APARTMENT BUILDING WHERE THE MUTILATED BODIES WERE DISCOVERED BY POLICE." The news reporter spouted information as the group of young adults narrowed their attention to only the television. Standing in front of a close apartment complex to the one they lived in, every person had even a tinge of anxiety coursing through their pulsing veins.

      "What the fuck..." was all Sakadi could muster while her wide gilded eyes bore holes into the screen.

      In strode Samantha as the reporter uttered the last few words, her interests piqued as Chad had formerly run out to get her to come upstairs, and she had been followed by a stranger that the group, save for Chad and Ethan, had known as "cute boy".

      "Their names have just been released by police: Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner."

      "Holy shit, that's that chode from our film studies class! The one obsessed with Argento," Mindy quipped from her spot beside Anika with popcorn in her mouth.

      As the news reporter droned on about the events of the night, a beat of silence passed between the group before Sam began speeding through the apartment. "Pack a bag," she said, reaching for her things to head toward their own apartment. "We're getting out of the city."

      "What?" Cute Boy had questioned confused by Sam's abrupt remark.

      Chad soon ushered the stranger out of his apartment. "Thank you, suspicious new guy, but we got it from here. Goodnight, get home safe. Go, go, go."

      "Sam, let's talk about this! This could have nothing to do with us!" Tara stammered while following her sister around.

      Sam turned appalled. "Are you serious?"

      "It's a big city! It's October, everyone's wearing masks!"

      As the sisters argued, Sakadi couldn't help but feel a bit out of place in the cozy apartment. Her weight shifted back and forth while her knees had been pulled up to her chest. She saw Ethan's attention briefly shift to her and spared him a quick dirty look that he soon matched along with a huff and eye roll.

      "Mindy, Chad, help me out here!" Sam urged her friends.

      "Ehh, I don't know... it is a little..."

      "...Close to home."

      "See?" Sam stated.

      Tara's eyes searched the room for a way out of packing a bag then landed on Quinn. "Quinn, your dad's a cop, right? Can you call him and find out what's going on?" she asked her friend then turned to her sister. "Before you make the unilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!"

      Timidly, Quinn lifted her phone. "I'm calling him now," she quietly said.

      After a mumbled gratification, Sam's phone on the counter suddenly rang loudly causing everyone to tense and whip their heads in its direction. The oldest girl in the room slowly stepped over to the marble countertop to reveal who had been calling her and eventually denied the Gale Weathers' contact.

"Why'd everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Ethan had cluelessly asked no one in particular.

"Are you stupid?" Sakadi was quick with her jab at him.

Ethan scoffed, "You've been waiting to say something, haven't you?"

"You gotta keep up, my dude," Anika jumped in to avoid another argument between the two.

"Sam? My dad wants to talk to you," Quinn urged over to the oldest in the room.

"It's like you don't ever pay attention to literally anything that goes on," Kade made a second jab at the boy.

"It's like you don't ever pay attention to literally anything that goes on," Ethan mocked in a higher-pitched voice. "At least I know when I'm overdressed."

"I have to be the overdressed one around here! God knows that you don't know how to dress," she said with a hand motioning to his pajamas.

Another scoff from the journalist, "They're pajamas! I don't plan to walk on a fucking runway in my sleep, Kade," he said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was.

      "Guys!" Sam interrupted them clearly annoyed and on edge. "He wants me to go down to the station." The color slightly drained in Kade's face with her friend's words, long forgetting her banter with Ethan. Quickly, Sam gave Quinn back her phone then pocketed her own then left right out the door without another word.

      "Is she serious?" Tara commented disbelieving. "Now she wants to leave me," she mumbled grabbing her jacket then following close behind her sister and slamming the door.

      The remaining group let an awkward beat of silence blanket them as the news channel had been switched to some random series.

      "Well, I for one can say I'm not really feeling up for a slasher movie marathon anymore," Callum spoke up for the first time in what seemed like ten minutes.

      Mindy sat up from her spot with her girlfriend. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to agree with you on that, Cal."

"I agree too, I'd like to be in the comfort of my bed right about now," Kade stood up from her spot and headed over to where Callum had stood near where Tara once subsided. "Goodnight, my lovelies, sweet dreams and all of that stuff." She blew a kiss to Anika and Mindy then hugged Chad after picking up her things. "Not you, though." She pointed directly at Ethan. "I hope you have nightmares."

      "My nightmare's ending since you're leaving," he grumbled now walking into his kitchen.

      Halfway out the door, Sakadi remarked, "You heard it here everyone! I'm in his dreams!"

      "Alright, go back upstairs already," Chad chuckled at her antics following her to the door. "Also no more stomping around your room, it drives me crazy."

      Kade grimaced at his words. "And here I was thinking my room was above Ethan's and I was doing it on purpose."

      Chad shook his head with her confession. "Of course you were."

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