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( kicking and screaming )

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( kicking and screaming )


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     SAKADI HAD FALLEN ASLEEP IN HER HIDING SPOT. Probably the worst decision she could have ever made but her adrenaline had worn off after an hour and when the second hour passed, she had been unconscious; huddled with one knee to her chest, the other pressed as firmly to her better-conditioned foot, head resting on her knee, and tear stains down her cheeks.

      The first moment of consciousness Sakadi got was pairs of hands clawing their way to her unconscious body. It was around seven in the morning, the Sun bled in through all of the see-through surfaces into the warm-hued lobby.

      The girl jolted awake as soon as her body had been moved against her will. She screamed. Loud. It could've even compared to the way she did on the last day she set foot in her criminal justice classroom. She screamed, thrashed, kicked, and swung her arms as much as she could in such a cramped space, no matter how much pain she was in. If Sakadi would be killed with her friends, she wouldn't go quietly.

Her nails clawed at flesh knowing that she needed to go as deeply as possible so the DNA could be found under her fingernails. Her professor at least taught her that much.

"Kade! Hey, it's okay! It's just me!"

Sakadi's brain hadn't processed the syllables of her name under a new pair of hands wrapped around her wrists and holding her in place. Her eyes peered open, breath hitching in her throat to see a familiar face. Chad Meeks fucking Martin.

No human could ever understand the relief Sakadi felt when her eyes set on the soft brown of Chad's eyes. She let out a breath and her eyes immediately eased from their sharp fierceness before she lunged into Chad's arms.

He immediately wrapped his arms securely around her body while she buried her head in the crook of his neck. Though the hug from Chad's crouched position and Kade's still-hidden position was uncomfortable as ever, no one could ever deny how thankful the two of them felt during the embrace that the other was still breathing.

Chad pulled away. "Alright, let's get you out of here, okay?" his voice was soft as he used his left hand to wave away the first responder behind him. The darker boy braced an arm around Kade's waist, she wrapped her arms around his neck, securing herself with her hand clutching her wrist. Lifting her came an easy feat for Chad, as much as it pained the both of them when she let out a sharp wince, she knew he could handle her weight once he got her at eye level with him.

      The light outside was blinding when Kade hobbled outside of the lobby, ambulances and police cars flooded the street in front of the complex.

      "We found her!" Chad shouted to people Kade couldn't see just yet while her eyes still adjusted to the Sun.

Kade grimaced. "Not so loud, please," she mumbled.

      He helped her over to sit in the back of an ambulance while an EMT rushed over to them. "Alright," Chad started, "the police need to ask me a few more questions but I'll be right there, okay?" He could see Sakadi was hesitant on letting him go. After all, she felt the safest with him near her. She was still adjusting to being awake and nearly killed so he felt he needed to speak as directly as possible with her. Kade was strong but not invincible. She nodded. There was still a sense of dread at the thought of what happened to Callum.

A sharp pain shot up from her foot and her reflexes spiked and kicked the EMT who had caused it. "Sorry," the girl winced out.

      After a few moments of silence between the two strangers, the first responder spoke. "Okay, so luckily nothing's broken, minor scrapes everywhere. But then with your left leg, you seemed to have sprained your ankle when you fell and the impact traveled up to your hip." She could practically hear the sound of herself going into debt from medical bills.

      "So what does that mean for getting around and walking?" she asked desperately needing to get away from the ambulance she was sitting in.

The woman cringed pushing the escaping blonde strands of her ponytail behind her ear. "I think we better take you to the ER before we say anything on that, Hon."

Sakadi clenched her jaw at the name. "Please don't call me that."

"Oh, sure thing. But we are going to need to leave, like, now to avoid this going untreated for any longer."

      Kade couldn't protest. The first responders were already dragging her further into the vehicle and onto a stretcher without so much as a second thought in letting the girl get another word out.


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NOTE. this chapter was gonna be so much longer but i was just bored with it and wanted to publish something

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