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( hospital hell )

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( hospital hell )


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     SAKADI HATED THE OVERWHELMING ATMOSPHERE OF HOSPITALS. Disinfectant, hand sanitizer, bleach, nauseating fluorescent lightsbeing there only made her wish the killer would've stuck her like a pin cushion after all.

      She had been there for hours already. Her foot was propped up on pillows and covered in melting ice packs that only seemed to make the surges of pain that much worse. The dingy television in the room had the worst channels the girl had ever seen so she had resulted in just shutting it off all together and falling asleep. The only problem was that the curtains were thrown open and the headache-inducing lights seemed to be on their brightest setting.

She messed with the buttons placed at her right side and pressed just about all of them; adjusting how or low she wanted her head to be, adjusting how high or low she wanted her legs to be, turning the tv on and off, but somehow none of the buttons turned off the lights or closed the damn curtains!

Kade had pulled her pillow over her face to scream multiple times.

Seven rhythmic knocks echoed into the girl's room and she was in such a bored state that she almost missed them while daydreaming of being the most successful fashion designer in the world.

It was only when the person on the other side of the door said her name that she sat up straight and whipped her head in that direction.

Sakadi could've cried at the sight of Callum walking in. His dyed brown hair had been messy but it seemed there had been an effort to be somewhat presentable. His right hand had been bandaged significantly but aside from that and a few bandages on his jaw and forehead, he was in one piece.

      Kade leapt out of her bed, literally leapt. Her wrapped foot hit the linoleum tiles hard but she disregarded it completely as she limped her way to her best friend. She threw herself into his arms causing him to hit his back on the wooden door with a wince.

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