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( party hard )

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( party hard )

     THIS JUST IN! Sakadi June Renaux just felt something when making contact with her sworn enemy, Ethan Chandler Landry! Oh, dear

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THIS JUST IN! Sakadi June Renaux just felt something when making contact with her sworn enemy, Ethan Chandler Landry! Oh, dear. Could she be coming down with something? Could her ankle be infected and spreading to her head? Or... God, don't let it be The or...

"I regret saying anything," Ethan stated as Sakadi and he strolled through the New York streets in their costumes. Sakadi wore a blue and yellow cheerleading uniform while Ethan had ditched his, whatever it was, costume and wore Chad's old football uniform with his stomach showing and glitter on his cheekbones. "I feel like a whore, Kade."

The pretty girl grinned at him and chuckled linking her elbow with his. "That's the point! And you're supposed to look slutty, E."

The curly-haired boy grimaced as they approached the frat house with flashing lights and booming music. "But I feel slutty too. I feel dirty," he shuddered.

The girl just rolled her eyes at him and dragged him into the beaming lights.

Prior to leaving their apartment complex, Kade had stormed into Ethan's apartment and eagerly annoyed Chad for his old football jersey, which he first denied having but Mindy quickly debunked. The designer happily took it and then rushed to Ethan's room where he had been contemplating all of his life decisions.

She threw the football equipment at him, a fight beginning between them when she did, and patiently waited on his Star Wars bed while he changed in his bathroom mumbling obscenities as he did it. A prolonged battle of decorating the boy like a Euphoria character began, or a disco ball as Ethan had put it, and Sakadi had made him into a glittered powder puff and gave him no choice in the matter.

      All of that struggling and arguing and pestering finally led to Sakadi and Ethan creating a truce, per Chad's request to pull back on their arguments and comments or else they wouldn't survive the night. Literally. In his words, he expected them to be "as close as humanly possible" and to include clingy hand-holding pictures as proof.

This brings the duo in their matching revealing costumes as they enter a strobe light hell. Dancing young adults swaying and jumping surrounded the two, along with drinking games, chattering, and laughing, and Kade couldn't have been more elated at the sight.

"I was born for places like these!" she shouted gleefully still sticking with Ethan. The curly-haired boy couldn't help his dimples coming to show as he saw her in this state.

      He nudged her to follow his lead. "Let's go get a drink!" He nodded in the direction of a kitchen island with every possible alcoholic drink one could imagine.

      "Since when do you drink?" the designer asked, hand slipping from herself to the middle of his forearm. "I swear I saw you throw a shot on the floor at the last party we went to," she laughed.

      Ethan scoffed turning his head back at her before reaching the island. "I'll have you know," he grabbed 2 red cups and uncapped some unknown pink drink, "I had a shot contest with Chad and drank seven in a row," he proudly stated.

      Sakadi leaned against the counter with a close-lipped smile and furrowed brows. "By choice or against your will?"

      The boy matched the color of the drink he poured with an eye roll. "That's obviously not the point, Sakadi." He handed her a drink beginning to pour himself a blue colored drink.

      She took a sip and smiled with slightly stained teeth. "What, no Kadi tonight?"

      Was she flirting? Ethan hid the heat in his cheeks by taking a swing of his drink. "Why, you miss it?" He glided his tongue across his top row of teeth, tease in his tone and an upturn of his mouth. Now what the hell had possessed Ethan Chandler Landry to say such a thing?

She was just as surprised by his question as he had been with her wide eyes and halted in her sip.

      "If I say I do, then what?" she shrugged staring with her gilded eyes.

Maybe it was the flashing lights or maybe it was the unknown alcohol already affecting Ethan as a lightweight, but his skin looked like the time Chad added hot Cheetos into Ethan's regular bag and didn't tell him.

"I say," his voice cracked and he cringed seeing Sakadi teasingly grin. "I say we should go dance." She laughed at his newly flustered state as if it were the first time she had ever gotten a reaction like that from him.

      "I'll follow in a second, E," she said. He looked at her confused. "Feel your face and tell me that you know they're blasting the air conditioning." He lifted his palm to his cheek and felt the festering sensation of heat. Ethan squinted at her, forgetting they needed to stay together but finally processing that the two of them had been holding up to their agreement with Chad.


ETHAN THANKED GOD THAT SAKADI STAYED BACK FOR A MOMENT SO HE COULD GET HIMSELF IN CHECK. He probably looked cracked out of his mind pressing his hands to his face with wide eyes as he swam through the wave of dancers. He knew he was a lightweight but not that bad of a lightweight.

      "Hey, stranger."

      The journalist was practically skinned alive with how far he jumped out of his skin thinking Sakadi hadn't stuck to her word. Ethan spun on his heel now that he had pretty much cornered himself.

      "Oh, Annie, thank God," he held a hand over his heart with the other on the brunette's shoulder. "I thought I was about to die."

      The lightly freckled girl smiled confusedly at the frightened boy. "What does that even mean?" she laughed concerned.

      Ethan pressed his lips into a thin line shaking his head. "Long story," he said. "So what are you doing here?" His eyes widened at how the question could've sounded. "Shit. I, uh, just mean I guess I didn't expect to see you-"

      "At a costume party?"

"No, no, it just feels illegal to see you outside of the hospital, is all," he rushed out, the beat of some unknown song pumping through his chest.

Annie neared him, "Well, we wouldn't have to worry about that if you would've called me and asked me on a date. Preferably somewhere that I'm not dressed so..."

Ethan finally got the opportunity to look over the girl's costume and could've sworn his heart stopped in his chest.

      Off-duty Nurse Annie Parker, the sweetest nurse Ethan had ever met, the most infuriating person Sakadi had met after their diet coke meeting, wore the very thing to make the hearts of a whole friend group drop. Cleavage on display, more than he had ever seen Kade show, fishnets hugging her legs, heeled black boots, black corset on top of a black long sleeve, and resting on her head was the same mask that had tormented his friends.

      Annie was dressed as fucking Ghostface.

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