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"De... gamsahamnida." Jeonghan bowed as four bottles of soju were placed on their table. "Uh, can we get one more glass please." He smiled as the server nodded bringing him the glass. Seungcheol had already started cooking the meat and seafood. "You texted her the correct address right? Why isn't she here yet?" Jeonghan asked opening one of the soju bottles.

"I did. She hasn't reply yet." Seungcheol answered. "Should I give her a call?" He asked pulling out his phone. "Don't." Jeonghan stopped him while nodding towards battered looking Rumi entering the restaurant. "Rumi-ya!" Jeonghan called waving his hand when he noticed her looking around.

"Joesonghamnida." Rumi bowed ninety degrees towards them before sitting down on one of the chairs. "Yah, you told me to text you but how was I suppose to when I didn't have your number?" Seungcheol complained pointing tongs at her. "I had to get it from Hoshi. Do you even know what sort of excuses I came up with just to evade his questions?" Rumi laughed apologizing again. "I completely forget about it but you also didn't ask." Rumi said making Seungcheol scowl at her. "Okay, my fault it is." She laughed before looking around. It was quite obvious that many eyes were watching them. "But, it is really okay? I mean eating here?" Rumi questioned pointing her thumb behind her. Both of them glanced behind her and shrugged her shoulders.

"It's fine. As long as they don't get down here." Jeonghan said. "And they won't." Seungcheol added feeling confident. They had encountered fans while out for drinks many times, mostly their fans didn't disturb them or more like had that understanding. So, when it came to their fans he had some sense of pride. "Yeah, they won't." Jeonghan assured giving his own confirmative while pouring drinks for each one of them. "Here, cheers!" He said holding up his glass. Both Rumi and Seungcheol clinked their glasses.

"Ahhh..." Rumi let out a sigh of satisfaction before filling her glass and downing it again. "Now I feel good." Rumi grinned when noticing the idols looking at her with eyebrow raised. "I needed something to calm my mind." She explained. 

"We ordered first; you can place yours. I hope you don't mind seafood" Seungcheol said while serving cooked clam on her plate. Rumi shook her head filling her glass again. "Eat something first." Seungcheol scolded. Rumi nodded but still downed the glass. "Aish...this woman."

"I will." Rumi assured laughing at his annoyed face. "Have you guys ever babysat a five-year old before? It was so unnerving." She explained finally eating something. "That kid was strange, she wouldn't agree to get on the car even though her mother talked her through. Some great level of stranger-danger she had going on. After some painstaking effort she finally somehow got in. Not wanting her to feel uncomfortable and scared I treated her to some food and ice-cream then suddenly she wouldn't let me go!" Rumi said looking exasperated. "She didn't give two shits about her mother when I dropped her off. She just latched onto me like some leech. I was suppose to have my evening off today!" Both idols laughed at dishevelled Rumi, she really looked beaten.

"Well kids are like that. They are innocent and naïve. You give them treats or play well they'll suddenly like you." Jeonghan said smiling. Rumi scoffed denying and muttering how they are just devil's spawns. "Yah, as if you weren't a kid before? I'm pretty sure you were quite a trouble." Rumi shrugged in answered. "Don't you have siblings?"

"I do, two of them." Rumi answered showing her two fingers while downing another glass of soju. "I'm the youngest."

"Nado." Seungcheol said as both them clinked their glasses. Jeonghan shook his head at their antics. "How older? Brothers?"

"Ani, sisters. One is umm two years difference and other is five years I guess." Rumi squinted her eyes trying to remember. "Slow down, you already forgetting things." Jeonghan said. Rumi chuckled and shook her head. "Not yet. She's '92 and '89." Rumi counted on her fingers. "Right, two and five-years difference." Rumi nodded looking up. Seungcheol nodded chewing on the meat he had just cooked.

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