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Misoo slapped Rumi across her back. "Ah!" Rumi yelped in pain turning and glaring at Misoo. "Why the fuck are you hitting me?" Rumi cried rubbing the spot where Misoo had hit her. "That's for hitting my husband!" Misoo said. Rumi clicked her tongue and looked away. "How can you do that to him in front of Aera?!" She exclaimed lifting her hand to hit her again but Rumi dodged it this time. "I didn't know that trash talking bin was her father!" Rumi complained. "I mean seriously unnie? You can do better." Rumi continued gesturing up and down at her. Misoo scoffed looking away with little smile on her face. "Aish you brat."

"Ani, I don't get it. Why does the pretty one always ends up with shi-ah!" Misoo smacked her again. "He's still my husband and father of my Aera." Misoo warned. Rum rolled her eyes mocking her. "By the way how do you two know each other?" Rumi froze. "He kept complaining about how you never had manners to begin with and all-" "Mwo?! I lack manners? Wah jinja! That brat, he just knows how flap that mouth of his! I need to pull out that tongue of-" Another smack was earned. "Unnie!" Rumi exclaimed rubbing her arm which probably had a bruise forming now. Rumi glared at her, Misoo was the only one standing upright after hitting her thrice like this. 

"Yah, that tongue knows other things too." Misoo said with a sly smirk on her face. "Ack!" Rumi covered her ears. "I don't want to know those things." Misoo laughed pulling at her hand trying to uncover them. "Waeeee...let me tell you." Misoo laughed. "Ani I am fine without knowing." Rumi said pushing her away. "But seriously how do you two know each other? I don't think I have introduce you both before." Misoo questioned again. "Obviously." Rumi rolled her eyes. "I have met few times before when I went to see Hyun." Misoo nodded her mouth forming a 'o.' "But unnie do you know where to find director? We have been walking for too long." Rumi staring ahead at the empty hallway. They were in Incheon city for the awards ceremony which will be held tomorrow in same gymnasium there walking in. "Obviously." Misoo said imitating Rumi. "I know the way; we need to take two more turns and we'll find him. By the way why does this hallway seems so empty. Weren't they having the practice run today?" Misoo questioned to which Rumi nodded. Wonwoo had told her about it and she had also checked the schedule of security team. "Ahh, they must be near the main stage." Misoo said nodding at the staff passing by them.

"Main stage?" Rumi questioned staring at the staff's running back. "Unnie, you can do this without me, right?" Rumi asked. "Eo, we just need to-yah eodiga?!" Misoo shouted at Rumi who didn't bothered to look back. "Ah where did he go?" Rumi asked looking around having lost the sight of the staff when she noticed young boys making their way in through a door. Rumi politely bowed at them quickly walked pass through that door. "Hehe, there they are." Rumi giggled noticing her favorite boys on stage. Each one of them kept passing comments in the mic as mic test, while Hoshi was being Hoshi. "Make some noise!" Rumi covered her ears; they are noisy as ever. She shook her head made her way towards the stage. "Hello." Rumi greeted their manager. "Oh hello." The manager greeted back. "How is everything going?" Rumi asked smiling at the boys who preparing for their performance. "Everything is alright we need to work on the stage that's all." He informed observing the boys. Rumi hummed nodding her head. "Are they filming this?" Rumi questioned noticing the camera director.  "Ye, for youtube content." She hummed again nodding her head. 


Rumi turned around to see Hyun standing behind. She excused herself and walked towards him. "Eo, how's everything?" Rumi asked walking towards him. Hyun just stared at her. "Hyun?" She snapped her fingers to catch his attention. "Are you the-" Hyun grabbed her hand pulled her aside, little away from manager's hearing range. "Why are you- he can't hear us with all this noise?"

"Why-" "Don't worry. I am here as staff from production department and not trying to-"

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

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