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A honk was heard outside and that was our cue to leave the house. Outside we weren't met with the mini van I hoped but a small silver Toyota corolla. This is what I dreaded and I wasn't quite sure how we'd all fit in that clown car as we were four tall boys.

Ashton got out of the drivers seat, grinning ear to ear. He closed the door and proceeded to tap the hood of the car.

"Where's the mini van?" Calum interrogated as he made his way closer to him.

"Well..." Ashton chuckled rubbing the back of his neck with nervousness taking over him. "Unfortunately Bettie broke down last night... this was the only thing they had available for a few weeks."

I rolled my eyes and groaned, clutching onto the duffel bag I had slung over my shoulder. This was the worst news ever.

"Come on" Ashton dragged, "It's not going to be that bad and plus the closer we are in proximity the further our relationship will flourish"

"Whatever that means" Luke sighed and for once I was on his side. It didn't seem like he wanted to be stuck in this mouse trap on wheels with the four of us.

Ashton giggled at Luke's misery as he stepped away from the car and waved a hand for us to come over, "let's put your things in the boot."

I eyed off Luke before he took off immediately after Ashton. I was slow to follow, taking my time to process everything. Boy, was this going to be a long drive.

Once I caught up, Luke lifted his luggage with a grunt into the tiny back boot. "How long did you pack for? You know it's only a few weeks Luke." Ashton teased and Luke rolled his eyes.

"You never know what you might need" he argued, "And you know I overpack"

"What about you Mikey?" Even though the nickname rung familiar in my ears, it was different hearing it from someone I barely knew. The only person I let call me that was Calum and I just assumed that Ashton had picked it up from him.

I faked a smile and lifted the strap of the bag over my head and placed it in the boot. "Don't call me that..." I let slip.

"Sorry," Ashton apologised, "Seems like you and Luke have the opposite problems. Luke over-packs and you under-pack." He laughed.

"Yeah" I breathed, not in the mood to openly joke about the appointed actions I seem to do.

"Aww poor mikey, always being under" Luke teased. I stiffened at the call of my nickname from him, I was about to have a full-on tantrum. I was so peeved off that I had to spent a few weeks with this Buffoon.

"Right, I'm not going." I threw my hands up in the air and stomped a metre away from the car. I was seething. First I have to deal with Luke and that fact that he doesn't even remember our first interaction together and now we have to be cramped up in a small car together. I HATE THIS!

I felt someone thrust my shoulder hard which made me spin around on my feet and look into the eyes of Calum. The boot was now packed and closed, Luke was awkwardly standing next to it and Ashton had his back pressed up the side of the car.

"Seriously!?" Calum croaked, "I plan one roadtrip with all my best friends and now you decide you don't want to go because of a stupid fucking spat?" Calum shook his head at me, I've never seen him so disappointed, so desperate for me to join in on something he planned.

Usually he'd just push me to the side and not even acknowledge that I was there, especially at parties. He'd never come up to me after the initial 'hello', he'd always just find other people to talk to. Maybe they were more interesting than I was.

figure my heart out // mukeWhere stories live. Discover now