13| Enemy in my class

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"Good luck. Your gonna do great. I know you will." Mom says and places a kiss on my forehead.

I smile.

After all of that we leave for school. It's slightly cold right now.

So I'm wearing a pair of black leggings, a long sleeve creme jersey with some Uggs.


I walk into my history class, suddenly feeling exhausted and brain damaged is an understatement.

I mean don't get me wrong history's nice, but do me and History go well together?

Fuck no!

I make my way to the middle of the class and take my seat. I start getting all my textbooks and iPad out.

I look up to see who the next person who comes and and you've got to be shitting me, right?



She's in my history class!! Ahh I love that for us.

Could this class get even worse?

She starts walking up to me with her
She stops once she's in front of me.

"Hi, Um Kelly? Kayla? Kylie? Kimberly?" She attempts to say my name or remember it?

"Kiara." I correct already being so done with her and her annoying voice.

"Oh yeah, Kiara, could you do me a favour?"


She rolls her eyes.

Man do I wish they could just get stuck up there so I don't have to see her eyes anymore.

"Well you are going to have to. I want you to stay away from Grayson."

"Why." I aksed , wanting to know what she has to says.

"Because he's mine and no 'new girl' like you is going to take him away from me."

My eyes widen in

"Now way. Really?" I ask in sarcasm, but she doesn't seem to get it and her smile widen even more.

"Yes." She simply says.

"Wow you seem very confident that he like you." I said.

"He does. He's liked me since we were in kids."

I really have'nt seen any romantic things going on between them.

"That's good for you, but about your favour, I don't think I can do that for you." I said leaning back on the chair, getting bored of her.

She's about to speak, when Ms. Clarkson stops her.

"Ms Martineź could you find your seat please."

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