28| Little Did She Know I Liked Her Too

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After many classes it was lunch

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After many classes it was lunch. I don't know why I decided not to eat breakfast, but that was a stupid thing for me to do.

I see Kayla and Jordyn sat down at our usual spot under the tree and Mila wasn't there.

I sit down on the grass and they have smiles on their faces.

"Ah, sorry, I came as quickly as I could." Mila voice says in the distance.

We turn our heads and she's running to where we are.

We watch as she sits down and ties her hair back into a messy bun.

"Where have you been?" Kayla asks.

"Mrs Lewis let us out late for shit knows what. She said, "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do, so sit yourself down and you won't leave until I've finished explaining"." Mila explains.

"Agh of course. I hate that women." Jordyn says in disgust.


"I don't know what you guys mean, she's sweet." Kayla says and earns side eyes from the us.

"No she's not." I said.

"Okay, we all know why we're here specifically. To talk about Kiara and her manz." Kayla said and my narrowed my eyebrows with a small smile on my lips at the words, 'Kiara and her manz".

They all grin.

"So you speak, tell your story about how you two eneded the way ypu were when we saw you guys, then we'll go from there." Jordyn said still smiling.

I explain everything and as I did they'd ask me question or squeal.

"I know I asked you this question like yesterday, but imma ask again. Do you like Grayson Taylor?" Mila asks.

My lips sink into my mouth trying to hide the smile on my face but I fail.

I waited a bit.

"Yeah I do." I said my lips going into a tight lipped smile, my cheeks blushing just talking about him.

They squeal. Mila falls back on the grass and starts kicking the air. Jordyn squeals in her hand and Kayla smiles like an idiot, her fist punching the air.

"Agh, I can already see it." Jordyn says, her hand going up to the sky and says, "Kayson."

I smiled.

"I don't even know if he likes me back though." I said and they fall silent snd all give me, 'girl' looks.

"I'm serious." I said.

"And I'm serious when I say, there's no such thing as he doesn't like you. We saw it today and many other days ago. He never acts the way he does around you like the other girls he's dated. Its cute, hes always smiling when your around." Kayla says smiling.

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