37| Magical Moments

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I shut the door behind me and leaned back on it, smiling

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I shut the door behind me and leaned back on it, smiling.

I clutched the Stich to me, the Mickey mouse ears still atop my head, and the flowers he'd gotten me in the other hand.

A smile plastered on my lips.

He'd kissed me and the feelings I felt...

A rush of emotions flooded through my mind and body. My heart fluttered wildly in my chest, and I felt a warmth spread from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as I savored the sweetness of his lips against mine.

A sense of euphoria washed over me, mingled with a hint of nervousness and excitement.

Every nerve in my body tingled with anticipation, and I found myself melting into the embrace, losing myself in the tender moment shared with the guy I'd been longing for.

It was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own little bubble of affection and desire

"It was that good, wasn't it?" I heard my moms voice ask.

I opened my eyes and saw her standing at the top of the stairs, leaning on the wall, arms crossed.

I bit down on my lip, still smiling as all the memories we'd created came rushing back at me, making my heart warm.

All I could do was nod.

"He took you to Disneyland. Well, he spoiled you." She said, her eyes looking at the things in my arms.

She made her way down the stairs.

"He did. Mom, it was great. He even kissed me a bit ago. I don't even - I can't even - ahh, I don't even know what to say. It was just that good. I just...'' I was so lost for words.

She smiled at me.

"I'm happy for you, Kie. I'm glad you're finding yourself love. He seems like a keeper." She said.

"Yeah, I really want to keep him." I breathlessly said.

"I totally agree with you." She said.

I got unready and made my way down to where my parents were ready for dinner.

Jayden wasn't here due to him going out with his friends and sint back.

The aroma of roast chicken filled the air. Sitting at the dinner table surrounded by my parents, I couldn't shake the nervous excitement that had accompanied her throughout the evening.

I watch my parents exchanged knowing glances, sensing my unease. "So, Kie, how was your evening?" My father asked with a gentle smile.

I cleared my throat.

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