Chapter 2: To Gain A Friend

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"Mm...five more minutes..." the boy mumbled as he turned in his bed and reached for his phone. "Come on...lemme sleep..."

His hand hit his phone screen and knocked it off his nightstand with a thud.





"Oh, god," the boy grumbled as he sat up, throwing his covers back from his bed and going to retrieve his phone. He stopped the alarm with an almost vicious press of his finger. He sighed as he set it on his nightstand and stretched, raising his arms above his head with a yawn as he leaned back. His back popped as he did so.

A soft knock on his door startled him, and he turned towards the noise.

"Master Augustus," a soft voice said. "If you are not up yet, then you must get up, please."

"I'm up, Thasiel," Augustus Blight responded as he pulled open the door to view his butler. "Good morning."

The tall, thin, gray-haired man nodded with a smile. "Good morning, Master Augustus. Breakfast has been prepared, so, please, wash up and get ready."

"I told you, you didn't need to make me breakfast," Augustus responded with a small sigh. "And you don't need to call me 'master'. I'm fifteen. Not a king."

"Well, Master Augustus, you are my employer and I am here to make sure you eat correctly," Thasiel chided as he held out a bundle of folded clothes in his hand. "And this is your new uniform for school."

Augustus took it gently and set it on the desk near the door. "Thank you, Thasiel."

"Of course. It's always important to make a good first impression, and I'm sure you don't want to show up in that tank top and shorts. Don't take too long," Thasiel said as he set a hand on Augustus's hair and ruffled it with a smile. "I will be downstairs when you are ready."

And Thasiel left the room. Augustus shut the door and sighed, looking around at his bedroom. The place was stocked with bookshelves from almost wall-to-wall, filled with bright covers and marked pages. His giant bed sat in the center of his room, and a door at the side of the room led to a marble bathroom. On the other side was a sliding glass door that led to a balcony.

Augustus sighed as he moved into the bathroom, catching a look at himself in the mirror.

He was thin and reedy, wearing a white tank top and a pair of old shorts he had in his closet. His black hair was still in its bedhead stage, messy and rumpled, and his gray eyes were like steel implanted into his irises. Most of the other people he met called him 'pretty', which, now that he looked in the mirror, he could see. His face was heart-shaped, pale skin accentuating his features and throwing his eyes and hair into more detail.

He didn't waste any more time admiring himself and quickly shut the door, before getting rid of his clothes and hopping into the shower. He quickly washed up and got out, wrapping his towel around himself and heading out to take the clothes and get into them.

He came downstairs, now in the school uniform. A white dress shirt and a pair of jeans with the crest, an Aegislash's shield, emblazoned on the side of it.

"Dashing, Master Augustus," Thasiel said with a smile, his Pangoro behind him. Augustus had always been a little scared of the giant Pokemon, but he trusted Thasiel's bond with Pangoro enough.

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