Chapter 13: The Region's New Protector!

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Augustus and Yancy walked downstairs and headed outside. Just as Lillian said, Yancy's Popplio was bouncing a water balloon between Augustus's Bulbasaur and Shellos, Lillian's Torchic, and Thasiel's Pangoro. It tossed the water balloon up, and Pangoro strong-armed it up. Bulbasaur hit it to Lillian's Torchic, and the bird pecked it. The pressure was too much, and the balloon exploded. Torchic cheeped, beginning to run in circles and shaking itself off as Lillian laughed.

"You two came down at just the right time," Thasiel commented as he eyed them. Augustus only nodded, watching his Bulbasaur run around happily. The toad rushed into his arms, and he let go of Yancy's hand to catch the creature. "Hi, buddy! How are you? You doing good?"

His Bulbasaur nodded happily as his Shellos approached, and Yancy's Popplio hopped into his arms. Yancy smiled at the creature, before looking to Augustus. "You know, I just realized...we never finished our battle at the lab."

"You want your butt kicked that badly?" Augustus asked, raising an eyebrow. Yancy laughed. "Oh, I think we'll find the opposite to be true."

Thasiel chuckled. "I suppose we should let these two have their bout, Miss Fanali," he said, and Lillian nodded.

The two of them stepped back as Yancy and Augustus took the field. Augustus raised an eyebrow as he watched Yancy's Popplio settle in front of him. "Yancy, you know some people measure their partners' strength by levels. What do you think Popplio's at?"

"My guess? Eight. Popplio normally learns Aqua Jet at nine and she hasn't yet, according to my knowledge. Bulbasaur learns Leech Seed at nine. Lillian's Torchic knows Flame Charge, but that also occurs at nine, so I'm guessing she's a higher level than most." Yancy shrugged.

"Very you think we could level them up, so to speak?" Augustus asked as his Bulbasaur rushed forward. Yancy nodded. "Alright, why not? Popplio, let's try our best. Use Aqua Jet!"

Popplio released a burst of water from its nose, shooting itself forward and at Bulbasaur. Yancy laughed as Bulbasaur was butted back. Augustus felt determination fill him, and he chewed on his tongue for a moment. "Okay, Bulbasaur...can we try a Leech Seed? It's alright if we can't, but-"

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur replied stoutly, stomping its food and glaring at Popplio. "Saur!"

It raised its bud up and forward, and fired several seeds at Popplio. They bounced off of Popplio, before planting themselves in the ground. Small vines sprang up, wrapping around the fins of the animal, and Popplio winced as green energy flew back towards Bulbasaur, restoring its health.

Augustus laughed with delight. He'd done it! For a first try to end up like that, it was wonderful! "Alright then! Let's go! Bulbasaur, Vine Whip-"

"Aqua Jet."

Popplio rushed forward before Bulbasaur could prepare, and slammed into him with a mighty force, knocking it back as the vines from the Leech Seed stretched. Augustus yelped. "What was-"

"Priority move," Yancy commented with a smile. "Aqua Jet usually moves first, but doesn't do that much damage. See?"

He was right. Bulbasaur shook itself free of the water, before forming its vines together and swiping them across Popplio's cheek, sending it back with a yelp. Popplio shook itself off, before diving forward again towards Bulbasaur with another Aqua Jet-no. The Leech Seed held it in place as it tried to move again, sapping health from it and restoring Bulbasaur's health.

"Okay, okay...Tackle!" Augustus called, and Bulbasaur rushed forward, crashing into Popplio with a grunt. The seal stumbled back again, and Yancy huffed. "Alright then, use Disarming Voice!"

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