Chapter 12: Water, Nature, Fire, And Autographs!

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As soon as Augustus was pulled into the pavilion, voices hit his ears. Requests and comments and laughter rang through his eardrums as he was pulled along by Delia. "Where are we heading?"

"There!" Delia gestured with her other hand, pointing to a navy blue that Augustus realized was the same color as Lindy's spotlight back in the stadium.

She pulled Augustus forward, and the two stepped into the line.

"Are you getting her autograph?" Augustus asked as Delia let go of him. She nodded with a smile. "Her Garchomp and Chompers know each other too! We're kinda friends, ish."

As they approached the stand, Lindy stood up. Her eyes fell on Delia, and she laughed. "Deels! How are you?"

"Good, good, been a while, Lindy," Delia replied with a laugh. Lindy looked from Delia to Augustus. "I assume you're a friend?"

Augustus nodded shyly as Lindy removed a pair of prints from the back wall, and Augustus realized the stalls were decorated with merchandise of each Gym Leader. Lindy was currently scribbling on the pair of art-filled prints that showed her and her Garchomp standing back to back. Lindy was striking a pose, and her Garchomp had its claws raised, battle-ready.

Once Lindy was finished scribbling on the first one, she looked over to Augustus with a smile. "And who do I make it out to?"

"Augustus," he replied after a moment, taking a second to look down at what Lindy had written on Delia's print.

To Delia,

Be like Chompers! Let the world hear you shout! Rise above every single challenge like a dragon in the sky!


He smiled softly as Lindy finished with a grin, passing the prints over. "Here you go! Oh-you might want this bag just in case so you can carry it all!"

She passed over a pair of bags, and Augustus and Delia thanked her, placing the prints in the bag and going to leave.

"Tell Chompers hi for me!" Lindy called to Delia, waving after her. The girl nodded and waved back as they walked through the pavilion.

"Augustus?" A voice asked, and Augustus turned, looking around.

Professor Zander was leaning against the wall of the pavilion, his Lucario at his side. Two boys stood near him, and Augustus recognized one of them as the brown curly-haired one who was cheering for Thanatos.

Zander raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Delia, I'm gonna go handle this, can you-" he began, and Delia nodded. "I'll text you if I need!

And the girl rushed off as Augustus headed over to the professor. "School trip. What about you?"

"Well..." Zander shrugged. "I'm here for research, plus, I haven't been out to the stadium in a while, so I figured I'd go and bring my assistants. This is Dink Mitsuri-"

Zander gestured to a tall, blonde boy, who smiled happily. "Good to meet you!"

"-and this is Jeremiah Jones Kukui-" Zander was cut off by a cough from the other boy, who was shorter, wearing a white dress shirt and a plaid vest with a pair of khakis. "Apologies. I mean JJ."

"I've heard about you," JJ said softly, adjusting his glasses. "You're Augustus, yeah?"

Augustus nodded, returning the smile. "It's good to meet the both of you. I think I saw you in the stands, though," he said, gesturing to JJ. "You were cheering for the Dark Gym Leader."

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