Chapter 10: The Stars Are Our Only Eyes!

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Augustus realized what he had done a moment too soon, and was completely unable to stop his feet from carrying his body over the edge. And now he was falling after Yancy, arms outstretched, eyes squinted.

Lillian screamed his name from above as he grabbed Yancy in midair, and the boy clung tight to him, shrieking his head off.

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Yancy screamed. "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!"

"Hold on to me!" Augustus yelled in reply, twisting his body so Yancy was above him. There. That way he'd be safe over Augustus. Sure, he'd still be traumatized when they hit the ground, but-

"Talonflame, use Flare Blitz and catch 'em!"

Warm claws suddenly snagged at Yancy's and Augustus's shoulders, and they were suddenly yanked up. Augustus choked slightly, almost losing his grip on the other boy, and looked up.

A red and gray birdlike Pokemon had managed to catch the two of them. Its wings were a gray color with red spots that trailed down its legs, and its tail feathers and beak were black and yellow. Its black-tipped claws were holding Yancy and Augustus gently, yellow feet clenched tight in the fabric.

With a trill, the Pokemon swooped down towards the ground and let the two of them go at the same time, causing them to tumble forward. Rocks dug into Augustus's clothes and skin, and he groaned, sitting up as the voice that commanded the Talonflame spoke.

"Well, ya didn't have to drop them like that," the voice said with a snort. It belonged to a tall, well-set woman in a blue coat. She had dark, short hair, and wide blue eyes. She wore a set of dark shorts with blue lining, and a blue and white shirt under her coat. Her legs were bare, and along the side of her right one, what appeared to be a scar lay on her thigh, stitched closed. Her skin was a dark tan, pockmarked with what looked like scars in the shapes of claws.

She clicked her tongue, and her Talonflame flew over to her extended arm and settled on it. The woman-good lord, she was tall, Augustus thought-looked down at the two of them with a sigh. "That was a close call, you two."

She clicked her tongue, looking Augustus and Yancy over, before her eyes settled on Augustus.  "Y'know, dear, jumping after your boyfriend, not the brightest of ideas."

Augustus's face flushed pink. "I-he's not-we aren't-I just-It was a gut reaction!"

The woman smiled, her Talonflame cawing softly. "Eh, well, glad I was there."

"Koraitu!" Clarisse's voice called, and Augustus looked over to see her and Lisa approaching. The older woman looked relieved, her cane in her hands. "Thank you for saving them."

"Aw, nothing to it," Koraitu, the woman, replied with a smile. Talonflame shrieked happily and flew over to Clarisse, who smiled. "Augustus, Yancy, although it may be out of order, meet Koraitu Vane. The Updraft Town Gym Leader. She specializes in Flying types."

"Good to meet you." Koraitu nodded. "I'll go get the third."

Koraitu began to walk off, and released her Talonflame again. Augustus stood up and dusted himself off, looking over to Yancy. "Are you o-"

"Are. You. Insane?" Yancy snarled, jabbing a finger into Augustus's chest. He winced and stepped back as Yancy continued, voice raising. "You jumped off of a goddamn building! Are you fucking insane? Do you have a single goddamn brain cell in your head?! By Articuno, you're stupid! YOU JUMPED OFF OF A BUILDING!"

"To save your life!" Augustus replied, eyebrows furrowing. "I was planning to help you!"

"And how were you planning to do that, hm?!" Yancy roared. "Explain! Explain to me how you could have done something to save me and yourself, Augustus! Tell me how-"

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