Chapter 17: The Savior And The Saved!

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The view was certainly something as Clifford took off, the red Gyarados undulating as it flew next to Chompers, JJ's Metagross floating ahead. Augustus was very aware of his hands around Yancy's waist, locked tightly as they headed across the land.

"Ferronis City is just ahead!" JJ called as they surged forward. "Newbies, do not engage with this threat-just watch! And we use codenames-Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald-so our identities are safe."

"Got it!" Yancy nodded in response as Clifford rumbled.

"Begin your descent!" JJ yelled, and the three Pokemon began to slow and drop from their flight as Ferronis City came into view.

Augustus had only seen it in books, and he had to say the real thing was so much better. Ferronis City was packed with buildings, metalworking factories, and a gigantic hotel that was said to reach the clouds above, all of the places shining with gleaming metal, like the town was made of it-well, which it was.

"Wow," he whispered under his breath as Clifford gained closer to landing, settling on a nearby building.

His excitement, however, turned to horror as screams reached his ears, along with rapid blasts that punctured his eardrums, as if cannons were going off repeatedly. He slipped off Clifford, Yancy right behind him, then Miles. Delia, Lillian, and Chompers settled by, the same with JJ, Tadashi, and Metagross.

"You three, stay here," JJ commanded as he recalled his partner, Delia and Miles doing the same. "We are not letting you get hurt. Do not engage, no matter what. If you have to move, move. If you can help people, help people. We're going."

And JJ leapt off the side of the building, scaling down it rapidly. Tadashi nodded-his own uniform a soft forest green, Augustus saw-and then headed after him. The teal-clad Miles and the yellow-clad Delia joined him as they headed up the street.

Augustus, Lillian, and Yancy quickly headed across the building, hopping over a small section of metal to see the scene before them.

At one end of the street were a pair of figures. One, a burly man, wearing only a set of baggy white pants and a blue cap around his head. Tattoos curled around his buff shoulders, down his arms, and across his chest. He looked quite wild, like he'd just emerged from the forest, but his dark hair and beard was surprisingly trimmed well.

The other was a woman-no doubt about it. Her slender frame was covered by an elegant robe of glittering sapphire and red ends, trailing behind her in the street. She wore a silver oni mask, sparkling with encrusted gemstones, which covered her face from view, but Augustus could sense the malice coming from her. Her dark, long locks flew backwards as she waved a pale-tinged hand, and, with a crack, fire hydrants, sewer manholes, and hurled themselves forward. It appeared she had some type of telekinetic abilities, and although the bigger man was more physically threatening, Augustus knew the woman was the one he didn't want to face as he drew out his Pokedex.

The man had a sort of sentient icy rock Pokemon in front of him, mandibles of sorts jutting from its jaw, yellow eyes narrowed, looking flat as the table in the dining room at home, and the woman had a Pokemon he knew to be a Gardevoir-a humanoid creature with a long white dress dress and a pink end jutting from its torso-except its headdress was a lovely sky blue and not a grassy green like he expected.

Augustus scanned them both, one after the other.

"Avalugg, Hisuian form. The Iceberg Pokemon. An Ice and Rock type, and the evolved form of Bergmite. Its heavy jaws are tough and can smash rocks with ease, and it uses the ice to cleave its way through snow."

"Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokemon. A Psychic and Fairy type, and the evolved form of Kirlia. Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the dimensions and create a small black hole. This Pokémon will try to protect its Trainer even at the risk of its own life."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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