Chapter 8: A New Friend!

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Augustus woke to the sound of talking.

The noise, even through the doors, managed to rouse him from his sleep. Without waking his Bulbasaur, he slipped from his bedsheets and tiptoed to the door of his bedroom, pressing his ear against the door so he could hear the words being spoken in the hallway.

"-and you told him, Johanna?"

Augustus froze. He'd never heard Thasiel sound so serious in his entire life. He went to open the door, but his mother's response kept him from doing so.

"I had to, Thasiel. Augustus is more than he knows, and if you so much as breathe a single word to him about anything-"

"You'll do what, Miss Blight? Please, tell me. You keep me around as your butler for him, but what we are, what we once were-"

"Don't you fucking dare mention that." Augustus heard Johanna hiss at Thasiel. "That was a long, long time ago. What we once were is not what we are now. So, it is an order that you do not tell Augustus anything. Like how I gave you when he was born. And if I find out that he has found out anything from you, it will end up with you in the ground."

Augustus felt his heart stop. His mother had always been so protective over him, mostly for his own good, but threatening Thasiel?

"Johanna, I swear to Arceus, if you hurt Augustus, or break his heart-"

A crash sounded, and Augustus jumped as a shattering noise rang throughout the hallway. However, there was nothing more scary than what came after.

"Don't you EVER swear on that god! I have done EVERYTHING for Augustus! You have absolutely no right to give me a goddamn lecture, Thasiel! You have no goddamn right-"


Augustus threw open the door, and it slammed into the wall as he viewed the scene before him.

His mother's favorite vase had fallen from its pedestal onto the ground and shattered into pieces. Johanna and Thasiel were standing face to face, barely inches from each other, but Johanna jumped and whipped around to face Augustus, her anger fading to worry. "Augustus, honey, what are you-"

"I heard a crash, and yelling-" Augustus began, looking between the two of them worriedly. "What was going on?"

Johanna sighed, looking down at the floor as she drew a hairtie from her nightgown, pulling her black bob cut into a small ponytail. "It was just something adult, honey."

"There's a broken vase on the floor," Augustus replied, gesturing to the shattered chinaware. "Does that usually happen with adult conversations, mom?"

The two adults took a deep breath before Johanna spoke again. "We were having a discussion about everything that happened yesterday. With the Amaltheas, the Region Guardians, Team Maple and such. Paris and I talked, and I'm worried for you."

"Mom, I'm fifteen. What's the worst that could happen?" Augustus asked.

Thasiel opened his mouth, but before he could get a word out, the entire house shuddered. Augustus's Bulbasaur fell off his bed and scrambled to the raven-haired boy's feet, and the three people headed downstairs quickly.

"That's why," Johanna said, a grim look on her face as she watched four people in green uniforms enter from the tree line, one of them scooping up what appeared to be a concussion device. Augustus scooped up his Bulbasaur and Johanna shoved him backwards. "Augustus, go to your room. Lock the door."

His mother's voice was stern and cold, but it was too late. The four people that Augustus had realized to be Team Maple Grunts had begun to move forward, discussing to each other as if the three weren't there.

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