Chapter 15: Down In The Good Beneath!

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When they got out into the town, Augustus paused as he looked around. He didn't realize what Tectonic Town looked like. He was standing in what looked to be an open farmer's market. Stalls were set up, each selling different items or things.

"Should we go see what they're selling?" Yancy asked, and the other two nodded.

"Why are you so happy, huh?" Lillian asked, nudging Augustus, who realized he was still grinning.

"Ah, well-" Augustus removed his Ivysaur's Pokeball and opened it, allowing his partner to emerge. "He evolved."

Lillian's eyes widened, and she laughed softly. "Well, well! Look at that! Unfortunate, though, Augustus!"

"Why?" Augustus asked, raising an eyebrow. Lillian snickered and opened her Torchic's Pokeball.

Her Torchic emerged, but it didn't look the same. Now, it had arms, and its top half was yellow, giving it a bipedal chicken-like appearance.

"Busk! Busken!" it crowed, clapping its hands together. Augustus snorted. "Had to one-up me, yeah?"

"Lucky you both," Yancy said, sighing. "Popplio didn't evolve for me yet, although I know it will evolve later-what the-"

Augustus's Ivysaur had begun to rise slowly as cold air brushed over the trio. The toad wiggled its legs confusedly as a voice rang out. "Oi! Put it down!"

A broad boy wearing a brown leather jacket and a white shirt with black jeans rushed forward. He had brown curls and green eyes, and he looked surprisingly similar to-

"JJ?" Augustus asked. The boy snickered, his lips curling up into a grin, before he frowned, staring at the air above Augustus's Ivysaur. "Down!"

The figure became visible, and Yancy almost fell over. The Gengar set Augustus's Ivysaur down, looking chagrined as the boy pointed at it. "With me, bud. Thank you."

The boy sighed as the Gengar slid over to his side. "I'm so sorry about him, he's a mentioned my brother's name?"

"You're JJ's brother?" Augustus asked. The boy nodded, a smile creasing his face. "Antonio Kukui. And this is Gengar. He's shiny, but you can't notice it. Say hi, bud?"

Gengar cackled, waving to the three of them. Augustus did notice it was shiny. The round creature had a slightly grayish tint to it, and there was a bracer around its right arm.

"Kukui?" Yancy asked. "Like the Alolan Professor?"

"Yeah, he's my dad. Adopted." Antonio shrugged as a thought came to Augustus's mind. "At the Gym Pavilion, JJ rushed off-he said he had something that involved you-"

"Got in a bit of trouble, is all," Antonio waved it off as his eyes zeroed in on Lillian. "Well, well. Miss Fanali. Good to finally meet you. Your grandma speaks highly of you."

Lillian's eyes sparkled as she laughed. "You and I are going to be working together?"

The puzzle pieces clicked in Augustus's mind as Antonio nodded. "I hope to see you out there. It was good meeting you three-"

His Gengar disappeared, and he swore. "I have to go after him now..."

And Antonio rushed off. Augustus snickered. "Another pair of Region Guardians. Lucky us."

"How did you know?" Yancy asked, turning to face him. Augustus shrugged. "I met his brother in the Gym Pavilion. The same ringtone played from his phone as the Amaltheas."

Yancy nodded, and the three began to head through the town, taking a look at the shops. Several people congratulated the three of them on getting past the Gym.

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