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A/n pov

Everyone was silent just the typing sound of yoongi's laptop was heard. All the negative thoughts roaming around their mind. The thought of loosing their sister sent shivers down their spines. Everyone was in there own thoughts when yoongi shouted.

Yoongi: FOUND IT!

hobi: found what?

Yoongi: i found y/n's location.

Namjoon: where?

Yoongi: it's an abandoned building near xxx street.

Jungkook: then what are we waiting for?

Jin: take your guns we are going right now.

Tae: let's go

They all started their car and left to that place. After reaching they parked their car a little bit far so that the guards won't see them.

Namjoon: we'll go in groups. Ok?

Jin: hmm

Namjoon: so the groups will be the maknae line and us the hyung line

BTS x Namjoon: ok

Yoongi: everyone keep your earpiece on we need to be connected all the time.

Jin: and if anyone finds where princess is you'll tell the others then we will go together ok

Hobi: yes we can't risk her life

Jungkook: hyung let's go already. We don't know what those mfs will be doing to her

They all nodded and got out of the car. The maknae line and the hyung line divided into different paths.

They went inside the abandoned building and killed all the guards which were on there way. Soon the maknae line reached in the centre of the building.

There was a door infront of them. They looked at eachother and nodded before breaking the door. Jungkook was about to break the door but stopped when he saw someone was coming to their way

He signalled the other two that someone is coming. The three became alert and pointed their gun to where they heard the voice of foot steps

They were ready to shoot the person but stopped seeing who it was. It was the hyung line.

Namjoon: why are you pointing your guns at us?

Tae: we thought it was someone else so that is why we were  alert incase it was one of the guard

Hobi: you found y/n?

Jimin: no this is the last door that is left to check.

Yoongi: what are we waiting for.

Jungkook kicked the door and it broke open. There was a man standing there wearing a mask. Jimin was about to kill him but stopped

??: If you kill me then you won't be able to find you beloved sister

Jungkook: you mf tell us where she is? *Cold + angry*

Tae: if i see a single scratch on her then you'll see the real hell *cold + angry*

??: Aww love your sister too much i see. Wait let me show you where she is.

He pressed a button on his right side and a tv screen appeared. On the screen there was their one and only princess shivering because of cold and had many bruises on her body.

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