Grade 4

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You can probably guess that I started to get trust problems, but I wasn't I was so nieve that I put all my trust into some one after they hurt me. I was so stupid to believe that things would get better. But all Emma was doing was turning me into a bitch.

A new girl cam to school her name was Tiffany, on the first day she sat beside me and the teacher told me to take care of her today and all that jazz, but you know who had to kick into the instruction. Haha you guessed Emma. She was in everything I did. That ticked me off, that day I took Tiffany aside and asked her to be my best friend and no one elses because I really didn't have a best friend. All she did was say yes and go running back to Emma and the other girls. I mentally punched myself for the first time that day.

I don't really remember much about Grade 4 but I do remember one thing that really made me a bitch and changed me into a blonde bimbo that I was.

Janessa came to the school, she was pretty cool until we started playing tag during a recess, and the yard for the school was pretty big well she couldn't really run and when she caught someone it wasn't a problem it was when she got caught. She wouldn't except it and every time I would be the one to say that I was it, as I was just the nice one. After every game she continued this little ranting and one day I got pissed. the words I said I was proud of at that point in time but then she told the teachers.

The exact words I said were. "Thats it I'm it, Oh wait never mind I'm out." Then I left Emma and her shocked because I had never blown up like that ever in my life. I walked away and what boosted my confidence was Emma came running up behind me finally following me away from the fricken wall were janessa now sat.

After I had found another group to hang out with a teacher came over to us and asked us many questions about what had happened as Janessa cried in a corner of the school. S now they care about what happened what happened when I was hurt. I found out Janessa had told a lie, as the teacher explained to me that Janessa had said...

Woah ok I gotta stop talking about that I'm starting to really get worked up. Lets just say I HAD and I mean they pushed me over there to say sorry. I had turned into a bitch and I knew it but damn did it feel good to be a bitch.  Emma still didn't like her and the other girl Kass she didn't either but I told my mom this and she turned it on me saying that I was unfair to Janessa, my mom is so clueless. So I had to be friends with Janessa and I was called a trader for 2 weeks by the other girls and practically the whole 4th grade. My life was going to shits at this point and now that I think of it the problems had started along time ago. Huh never thought of it.

After Emma learn't I was staying with Janessa she and everyone else stpped calling me names and started hanging out with me again. Bitch.

My dad had also not helped during my years as he always yelled at me if I did something out of his standards then he just lit up like a flame when you throw a couch into it, yes I have done that. After all he was the one I hated the most. He even stopped saying hello to me when he got home from work and my mom would get pissed at me when I pointed it out to him. When she would talk to him about it it was just another thing he had against me to yell at me about. for the rest of my life he still yells at me about all that, like give it up already.

I can't remember the summer, I think because it was so horrible that I never wanted to remember it. I guess that happened to all my summers.

A/N hey can you tell me if I should keep going on this because I'm wondering if you guys think I'm just complaining or if you guys care.

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